Addis Ababa Apostolic Church of Ethiopia Choirs

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History and ministry

The main church of the Apostolic Church of Ethiopia (ACE) is located in the Gofa subcity of Addis Ababa. This church compound regularly hosts large conferences and houses important church offices and departments (such as the media department and a bookstore). Several choirs often perform at large events.

Besides the Gofa congregation, there are more than a dozen other ACE congregations in Addis Ababa.




» To watch ACE choirs in Addis Ababa, visit ACE YouTube channels such as “ObeyActs Bible” or “Apostolic Song Tube

» Visit ACE Yadah Choir’s YouTube channel (A.A. Goro, etc.)


A.A. Gofa choirs

recorded in 2003:

published in 2010:


