Dire Dawa Meserete Kristos Choir

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History and ministry

Dire Dawa (near Somali border)

choir had “25 members”:

  • “Johni [= Yohannes?] Teklu” was the choir leader, and
  • “Girum Tadesse” the secretary.

met “for practice in the Catholic church and then sing in homes and at funerals”

The choir traveled “to all the churches of the Dire Dawa district and sometimes ministers in churches of other denominations”

Twice a month the choir spend “all night in prayer, Bible study, and practice, 9:00 p.m. till 6:00 a.m.”

(Hege’s sources: Interviews with Johni Teklu and Girum Tadesse in Dire Dawa, March 1996.)



cassette, produced in 1994 (5000 copies)


“They have 194 songs in their repertoire.”


Album/ collection

vol. 1 (?):


published in 2018:

“Ariel Choir”

published in 2021:

Further reading

Hege, Nathan (1998). Beyond Our Prayers: Anabaptist Church Growth in Ethiopia, 1948-1998. Scottdale and Waterloo: Herald Press. (See pp. 232-233)

(Hege et al. seem to have produced a video on MKC in the 1990s. -> check MKC / Mennonite archives?)