Nazareth Ammanuel Church Choirs

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History and ministry

Nazareth is now known as Adama. It is the capital of Oromia Region since 2000.

Official name of the denomination:

  • “Nazareth Ammanuel United Church” (Pastor Kassahun Agebo)

Relationship of

  • Nazareth Shibsheba Mezmeran [“A” Choir]?
  • Nazareth Kabod Choir [“B” Choir]?


» View discography


» Visit Nazareth Ammanuel Shibsheba Choir’s YouTube channel



vol. 1:

vol. 2:

vol. 3 (Shibsheba):

vol. 4:

vol. 5 (Shibsheba):

Songs with lyrics

» Listen to songs with lyrics


» Watch selected songs of Shibsheba Choir and Kabod Choir.
In addition, watch a documentary on Ethiopian Ammanuel United Church.



Further reading

Haustein, Jörg (2011). Writing Religious History: The Historiography of Ethiopian Pentecostalism (Studies in the History of Christianity in the Non-Western World, 17). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. [p. 108-118 on the Nazaret movement]

Mussie Alazar (2000). Amanuel Mahiber: Foundation and Growth. BTh thesis. Addis Ababa: Mekane Yesus Seminary.

Schröder, Günter (1997). Äthiopien: Religiöse Gemeinschaften, Organisationen und Institutionen. Ein Überblick. Unpublished manuscript.

Relationship with the singers of the yäsämay berhan movement?

Haustein (2011), p. 109: “[Bekele] likens the yäsämay bǝrhan movement to the much more recent imanuel maḫǝbär, an Orthodox Charismatic renewal movement, which spreach from Nazaret to different places in the country and eventually broke away from the EOC to form the Emanuel United Church”

Cf. Nathan Hege, p. 148-149:

Solomon Kebede was a key person of the yäsämay berhan movement (and in 1997 Chairman of Meserete Kristos Church).

Relationship with Harar Pentecostal Movement

  • Solomon’s friend, Zeleke Alemu, left for Harar, where he was a student at the Teachers’ Training Institute. (was hired by the SPCM in, worked as pastor in Hawassa and soon after left for studies in Sweden. “In 1984 he accepted a calling to pastor an Ethiopia church in Dallas, Texas, where he stayed until 1998, when he began a ministry among African immigrants for the Lutheran Missouri Synod. After working with multiple immigrant congregations, he founded Grace Ethiopian Church in 2005” (Haustein 2011, p. 97, fn. 32)

Other main leaders of the Harrar movement:

  • Assefa Alemu (was hired by SPCM after leaving leadership position in FGBC in 1971; worked for the SPCM in Jimma for some months; returned to Addis in 1972 and ministered in the FCGB home fellowships; left for study in the USA in 1974; earned a PhD in theology; worked as pastor of the Eth. Chr. Fellowship Church in the Kansas City metro area since its foundation in 1987 [Haustein 2011, p. 97, fn. 36])
  • Betta Mengistu (left Ethiopia for study in the USA in 1971; worked for the Int’l Bible Society in Nairobi from 1979-2004; founded a church in Nairobi at that time. Then served with the Assemblies of God in Ethiopia.