Waliso Mekane Yesus Choir

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History and ministry

Waliso [aka Wolisso] is the center of South West Shewa Zone (about 115 km from Addis Ababa).

The EECMY congregation was established in 1971 A.D.






Unpublished songs

» Read manuscript with 18 songs

For further reading

Launhardt, Johannes (2004). Evangelicals in Adids Ababa (1919-1991): With special reference to the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus and the Addis Ababa Synod. Münster: Lit.

From Launhardt 2004, 246-47:

“In December 1978, during a worship service in the newly-dedicated Mekane Yesus church at Woliso, two armed men entered the building and requested all young people to move to the kebele office immediatley to be assigned there for development work. […] Seven boys [p. 247] and girls followed the revolutionary guards to the kebele office. Instead of being commissioned to development work in town, they were interrogated. The cadres tried to find out if the Evangelicals had connections with people of Western countries, or received money for accepting evangelical faith; they were indicating that the seven youths would be released if they promised never to go to the evangelical church again. […]

The cadres meanwhile continued their harassment on the evangelical youths, and during the third night two of them tried to rape the girls. The young Christians were mocked and heavily beaten. The Marxists threatened to kill them if they continued sticking to their faith. One cadre finally pushed the pistol into the ear of a girl, and destroyed her drum of the ear. Other tortures were applied. […] Finally all seven youths signed that paper [that they no longer would attend evangelical services]. […]

A few weeks later, in February 1979, a second round of harassment started at Woliso. Twenty-five evangelical youths and members of the youth choir were detained and kept in prison for five days and nights. They were released on condition to show up daily for political instruction.”