(1) Haylegna Endante Yelem [ኃይለኛ እንዳንተ የለም, There is no one as powerful as you]. Cassette released by _ _ _ in 1992 [1985 A.M.].
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(2) Geta Eko New [ጌታ እኮ ነው, It is the Lord]. _ _ _ 1993.
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(3) _ _ _ [_ _ _, _ _ _]. CD (?) recorded by _ _ _ in _ _ _
(4) _ _ _ [_ _ _, _ _ _]. CD (?) recorded by _ _ _ in _ _ _
(5) Etaye [እጣዬ, My lot]. CD (?) recorded by _ _ _ in 2003.
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(6) Hallelujah Talaq Neh [ሃሌሉያ ታላቅ ነህ, Hallelujah, you are great]. _ _ _ 2004.
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(esp.) Bezu Yehonkelegn [ብዙ የሆንክልኝ, You are a lot to me]. CD released by Meskel Media, Addis Ababa, 2009.
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(7) Chelemayie Bera [ጨለማዬ በራ, My darkness is light]. CD released by _ _ _ in 2012.
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(8) Yetsion Teguaz Negn [የፅዮን ተጓዥ ነኝ, I am a pilgrim of Zion]. _ _ _ 2014.
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(9) _ _ _ [_ _ _, _ _ _]. CD (?) recorded by _ _ _ in _ _ _