(1) Yelem yil jemere [የለም ይል ጀመረ, He began to say He [God] does not exist]. Cassette released by xxxx, Addis Ababa, 19xx [19xx AM]
[Cf. lyrics of vol. 1 (አንደኛ ፡ ካሴት) on WikiMezmur ???]
(2) Gena be’inya wengēl ‘alem yilewet’al [ገና በእኛ ወንጌል ዓለም ይለወጣል, The world will be transformed in our Gospel]. Cassette released by Addis Ababa Meserete Kristos Church Cassette Ministry, Addis Ababa, 19xx [19xx AM]

(3) Bemisgana ho! [በምስጋና ሆ! Hurray in Praise]. Cassette released by xxxx, Addis Ababa, 19xx [19xx AM]
(4) Igizī’ābiḥēr sew bīhon [እግዚአብሔር ሰው ቢሆን, If God becomes Mere Human]. Musically accompanied by Alemayehu Fanta on Masinko, Krar and Washint. Cassette released by The Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus – Yemisrach Dimts [YDCS], Addis Ababa, 1980 [1972 AM] (Accompanied )
[Cf. lyrics of vol. 4 (መንግሥተ ሰማይ; Mengeste Semay) on WikiMezmur ???]
(5) Lisigedilet yihēm ānesebet [ልስገድለት ይሄም አነሰበት, Let me bow for Him, and this too is too small]. Cassette released by YDCS [first released by Abel Kebede and Nigatua Kebede], Addis Ababa, 19xx [19xx AM]
(6) Zim ālilim [ዝም አልልም, I shall not be silent]. Cassette released by YDCS, Addis Ababa, 19xx [19xx AM]
» Read lyrics of selected songs on WikiMezmur

(7) ḥiywet yishalenal [ሕይወት ይሻለናል, Life is better for us]. Cassette released by Abel Kebede and Nigate Kebede (Kaleb Music and Books Distributor), Addis Ababa, 19xx [19xx AM]

(8) Biruh yedil t’ewat [ብሩህ የድል ጠዋት, Bright victorious morning]. Cassette released by xxxx, Addis Ababa, 19xx [19xx AM]
(9) Ye’ādinak’ot k’en le’igizī’ābiḥēr [የአድናቆት ቀን ለእግዚአብሔር, An appreciation day for God]. Cassette released by The Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus [YDCS?], Addis Ababa, 2009.
» Read lyrics on WikiMezmur

(10) Adanyē Yesus [አዳኜ የሱስ, My Savior Jesus]. Collection of previous songs; cassette released by Kebron Spiritual Music Shop, Addis Ababa, 2010.
» Read lyrics of album no. 10:
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According to a Facebook post by አቤሴሎም አባተ dated 12 November 2024, there are about 30 albums containing recordings of Dereje Kebede’s songs that have not yet been released.