Erkenesh Segaro

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Life and ministry

Erkenesh Segaro was born in Benara near Durame (Kambata & Timbaro Zone) in 1947. After graduating from high school, she taught at the Norwegian Lutheran Mission in Dilla. In 1969, she married Teklemariam Gezahagne, an evangelist. They ministered together until her death in 1994.

Erkenesh Segaro is the mother of Eyasu Teklemariam.


(1) _ _ _ (Eyesus bicha; ‘_ _ _’).

Audio (YouTube)

Audio (ElimSongs)

» Listen to Erkenesh Segaro’s songs on (1 album)

Further reading

Freeman, Nona. Unseen Hands: The Story of Revival in Ethiopia. Hazelwood, MO: Word Aflame Press, 1987. [See esp. pp. 54-79]

Freeman, Nona. Then Came the Glory. Minden, LA: Nona’s Book Sales, 1994. [See esp. pp. 194ff]