Getayawkal & Bruktawit (albums)

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Albums (YouTube)

vol. no? [20 years in ministry, vol. 1, 2016; playlist):

vol. no? [20 years in ministry, vol. 2, 2016; playlist):

from vol. 1 (በነጻ ልቀቋት, 1987):

vol. 3 (የሕይወት ምንጭ የሱስ, 1989; playlist):

vol. no. ? (1st song: ና የጥንቱ ኢየሱስ):

from vol. 5 (እግዚአብሔር ሰውን ይፈልጋል, 1998):

vol. 6 (ምድር አለፈላት, 2002):

vol. 9 (የ፲፩ኛው ሰዓት የጸሎት ጥሪ, 2006; playlist):

vol. 10 (ባርኮቴን ልቁጠረው, 2008; playlist):

vol. no. ? (እንኳን ደስ አላችሁ, 2016; playlist):

vol. no. ? (ህጻናት ወደ እኔ ይምጡ, 2016; playlist):

vol. no. ? (ሽሽ ወጣቱ ሽሽ, 2016; playlist):


vol. no. ? (Sebhat Le’amlak Song Coll., vol. 1, ca. 2017; playlist):

vol. no. ? (Praise and Worship Songs, vol. 2, 2017; playlist):

vol. no. ? (Salvation and faith songs collection, 2017; playlist):

vol. no. ? (Christmas songs collection, 2019; playlist):

vol. no. ? (Family songs collection, 2020; playlist):

vol. no. ? (New Hymns for Church Service, 2021; playlist):

vol. no. ? (Holy Holy Holy, 2021; playlist):

vol. no. ? (Easter songs collection, 2021; playlist):

vol. no. ? (Songs for Ethiopia, 2022; playlist):

Audio (

እግዚአብሔር ሰውን ይፈልጋል (Egziabhier Sewn Yefelegal, 1998)

ምድር አለፈላት (Meder Alefelat, 2002)

ባርኮቴን ልቁጠረው (Barkotien Lequterew, 2008)