(1) Abietu Gulbetie Hoy Ewedihalehu [አቤቱ ጉልበቴ ሆይ እወድሃለሁ, God, my strength, I love You]. Cassette released by _ _ _, Addis Ababa _ _ _ .
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(2) Gieta Eko New [ጌታ እኮ ነው, It is the Lord]. Cassette (?) released by _ _ _, Addis Ababa _ _ _ .
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(3) Yitayegnal Bezu Neger [ይታየኛል ብዙ ነገር, I see a lot of things]. CD (?) released by _ _ _, Addis Ababa _ _ _ .
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(4) Atelewawetem [አትለዋወጥም, You don’t change]. CD (?) released by _ _ _, Addis Ababa _ _ _ .
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(5) LeEgziabhier Qelal New [ለእግዚአብሔር ቀላል ነው, It is easy for God]. CD released by Meskel Media, Addis Ababa, 2010.
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(6) Beyet Hager New Egziabhier [በየት ሃገር ነው እግዚአብሔር, Where is God in (?)]CD released by Meskel Media, Addis Ababa, 2013.
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([Special ed.]) Yehone negeri līhoni newi [የሆነ ነገር ሊሆን ነው, Something’s gonna happen]. [Digital?] album released by _ _ _ in 2020.
(7) Iyulinyi [እዩልኝ; Look at me]. CD recorded by _ _ _ in _ _ _