McDonald, James (Pastor)

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Life and ministry

James “Jimmie” McDonald lived from 1937 – 2014 (Pinterest)

Connected to the ministry of American evangelist and faith healer Kathryn Kuhlman (+ 1976), who had a TV program called “I Believe in Miracles”

From Jones (1966), Shall We Overcome? pp. 102f:

“We conducted a Bible conference in Ethiopia [in 1961?], a conference sponsered by the Sudan Interior Mission. Every morning and evening it was my priviledge to speak to crowds of from two to four thousand Ethiopian Christians. [p. 103]

One morning at one of the mission stations, the American Negro singer Jimmie McDonald and I were in our room preparing for the next meeting. We glanced out the window and there saw a great crowd of people staring at us. Taken by surprise, Jimmie asked: “Say, what’s this? Why are these people standing outside our window?”

“Oh, it is all right, Jimmie,” I replied. “Perhaps this is a little unusual for you since this is your first visit to Africa. But these people are just happy to see us. Most of them have never seen American Negroes, and this is their way of showing that we are welcome in their country.”


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» Listen to collection “The Man


Further reading

Jones, Howard O. Shall We Overcome? A Challenge to Negro and White Christians. Westwood, NJ: Flemming H. Revell, 1966.

McDonald, Jimmie. The Kathryn Kuhlman I Knew. Shippensburg, PA: Treasure House, 1996.