Peter Tut (Rev)

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Life and Ministry

“Rev Peter Tut Pur was born in Akobo County, Jonglei State of Republic of South Sudan. He started Singing from as back as 1980’s and several of his songs are found in Nuer Book Din (The Nuer Golden Bells Hymn Book). Reverend Peter Tut is now based in Nairobi Kenya; Serving Christ in his Ministry under The Presbyterian Church of South Sudan and Sudan-Kenya Congregation.”
(quoted from his YouTube channel)


(1) Muc YieKa (‘_ _ _’). CD released by Abriels FX Record in Nairobi, 2020.

(2) _ _ _

Songs in hymn book

Several songs in the Nuer hymn book _ _ _
(‘ The Nuer Golden Bells Hymn Book`)


» Follow Rev. Peter Tut Ministry on Facebook

» Visit Peter Tut’s official YouTube channel




