Roman Samuel Aguye [ሮማን ሳሙኤል አጉዬ] was born in Hawassa, Sidama Region, in 1974 to a Christian family. They were members of the local Hiwot Berhan Church. Her parents showed her the way to fear God and be in love with Jesus. During her childhood, Roman and some siblings prepared musical instruments using local materials. She and her friends used to sing and play drama during Christmas celebrations. Solomon Gebeyehu (now Evangelist) practised the songs and plays with them, and taught them the Word of God. The group later became the “C1” Choir of Hawassa Hiwot Berhan Choir.
Because of her father’s job, Roman moved to Soddo, the capital of Walaytta Zone. She joined the Full Gospel Believers’ Church and learned the foundational Christian teachings from Evangelist Belete H/Giorgis. After her baptism and discipleship lessons, Evangelist Belete recommended that she join the congregation’s well-known “A” Choir. The other choirs were no longer active due to repressions during the Ethiopian Revolution.
Since she was still a young teenager, some choir members opposed Roman joining the choir. However, after a thorough follow-up and evaluation, they admitted her as a choir member in _ _ _ [year?] and later apologized for hindering her. Roman contributed new songs (lyrics and tunes) to the choir and played the guitar. For some years [from _ _ _ – _ _ _ years?], she also led the choir.
Roman Samuel started public solo singing in Walaytta Full Gospel Believers Choir in 1992. The other choir members encouraged and supported her. She published some of the songs she had contributed to the choir in Soddo. Later, she also released her own cassettes and CDs.
In 2001, Roman moved to Addis Ababa, got married and joined Aware Full Gospel Believers Church. She earned a Diploma in Theology from Pentecostal Theological College and two BA degrees (in ICT and Leadership, respectively).
In _ _ _ (year?), Roman Samuel became the congregation’s pastor [Q: Has she been one of the first female pastors in her denomination?]. Next to her preaching and teaching the Word in her congregation, she served as a worship leader and solo singer. Since _ _ _ (2020 ?), Roman hosts and presents a program with the name Qebebelosh (‘succession’) on Evangelical TV, Ethiopia.
(1) And Nen [አንድ ነን, We are One/United]. Audio cassette produced and distributed by Wolayta Full Gospel Believers’ Church, Sodo, 1995.

(2) Yemidir Hulu Tesfa [የምድር ሁሉ ተስፋ, The hope of all the earth]. Audio cassette released by Wolayta Sodo Full Gospel Believers’ Church and distributed by Rehobot Mezmur Bet, Wolayta Sodo, 2001.

(3) Negeru Tegelebete [ነገሩ ተገለበጠ, The tables were turned over]. CD released by Roman Samuel and distributed by herself and Beth-El Spiritual Songs & Books Store, Wolayta Sodo, 2009.
(4) Atikelkiluachew [አትከልክሉአቸው, Don’t hinder them]. CD released and distributed by Aware Full Gospel Believers Church, Addis Ababa, _ _ _ [year?]

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» Listen to songs
published in 2019: