Sabiro Wesero

Life and ministry

Sabiro Wesero was born approximately in 1919/20 and grew up in Lambuda (west-north-west of Hossana) in the present Hadiyya Zone.

He then settled in Dubancho

Ato Sabiro passed away in November 2011.

Audio (Global Recordings)

» Listen to Hadiyya Words of Life, vol. 1 (about 5 songs), © 1959
» Listen to Hadiyya Words of Life, vol. 2 (about 3 songs), © 1959


Transcribed and translated by Rev. Molla Gojam in 2004.


Shigute and Sabiro in Wolaytta in 1930
(adapted from Duff, p. 177)
Sabiro and his wife Belainesh in Addis Ababa in 1938
(adapted from Duff, p. 369)
Dubancho Church in 1948
(adapted from Duff, p. 386)
Sabiro Wesero (November 2007)

Further Study


Duff, Clarence W. Cords of Love: A Testimony to God’s Grace in Pre-Italien Ethiopia – As recorded in memorabilia of one of the Sudan Interior Mission’s “C.O.D. Boys”. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1980.

» Read excerpt on Sabiro Wesero
» Read excerpt on gospel music

» View profile of Dubancho KHC Choirs

_ _ _ [St. Matthew’s Gospel in Gudeilla]. Translated by Clarence W. Duff (SIM), assisted by Sabiro Wesero, Shigute Dada, Norman C. Couser (SIM), Muluneh Habte-Yes and Aseffa Bambure. Tentative edition. London and Addis Ababa: British & Foreign Bible Society, 1935. [View online]


Grenstedt, Staffan. Ambaricho and Shonkolla: From Local Independent Church to the Evangelical Mainstream in Ethiopia. The Origins of the Mekane Yesus Church in Kambata Hadiya. Uppsala: Swedish Institute of Missionary Research, 2000.

» Read digital version (Diva Portal)

Rønne, Finn Aa. Kontinuitet og forandring: Opkomsten og udviklingen af protestantisk kristendom i Kambaataa-Hadiyya, Etiopien – 1928 til 1974. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 2002. [See index on p. 530]

Wondiye Ali. A Church Blooming in Hardship: The History of the Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church, vol. 1, 1928-1944. Addis Ababa: Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church, 1998. [Amharic; see esp. p. 233-243]