Yared the Melodious (bibliography)


  • Vatican Aeth. 28
    (Oldest complete Degwwa that has been preserved,
    Soma Deggwa [inclomplete]; 15th century)
    » View ms. online
  • EMML 7078 (Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library)
    (Arba’t arranged by melodic group; 12th–13th century;
    » View ms. online in VHMML
    (Virtual Reading Room of Hill Museum & Manuscript Library;
    registration necessary [no paywall])
  • EMML 6944
    (Mazmur, liturgical order; 14th century)
    » View ms. online in VHMML
  • EMML 2095
    (Arba’t, liturgical order; 14th–15th century)
    » View ms. online in VHMML
  • Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, eth. 92
    (several collections; 15th century)
  • EMML 4667
    (Deggwa, Soma Deggwa; 15th–early 16th century)
    » View ms. online in VHMML
  • EMML 1894
    (Deggwa, Soma Deggwa, Me’raf [Tagulat?]; 16th century)
    » View ms. online in VHMML

Other primary sources

Lisane Worq Gabra Giyorgis [Meri Geta]. Tintawi Serate Mahelet ZeAbuna Yared. [The Ancient Order of Singing of our Father Yared, the Master]. Addis Ababa: Maison des Etudes Ethiopiennes, 1997.  

Velat, Bernard, ed. and transl. Soma Deggua: Antiphonaire du Carême;, quatre premières semaines (Patrologia Orientalis, vols. 32.3-4 [no. 153–54]). Paris: Firmin-Didot, etc., 1969. 

Hagiographic accounts

Budge, E.A. Wallis. The Book of the Saints of the Ethiopian Church: A translation of the Ethiopic Synaxarium made from the manuscripts Oriental 660 and 661 in the British Museum. 4 vols. Cambridge: University Press, 1920. [vol. 3, pp. 875–77 on Yared;
» View OCR online, pp. 503-04]

Conti Rossini, Carlo, ed. and Latin transl. Acta Yārēd et Panṭalēwon (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, 2nd ser., 17). Paris: C. Poussielgue, 1904. [Reprinted in 1961 as Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, 26–27; Scriptores Aethiopici, 9–10. Louvain: Peeters.]
» View Ge’ez text and Latin translation

Secondary literature

Andualem Dagmawi Gobena. Soteriology in the Ethiopian Orthodox Täwaḥədo Church as Reflected in the Liturgical Hymns of the Dəggʷa of Yared. PhD dissertation. Toronto: St. Michael’s College and the Graduate Centre for Theological Studies of the Toronto School of Theology, 2019. [View online]

Ayele Bekerie. “St. Yared – the great Ethiopian composer”, Tadias Magazine, 2007. [View online]

Brita, Antonella. “Yared”, in Encylopaedia Aethiopica, vol. 5, ed. A. Bausi, p. 26‒28. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2014.

Dege-Müller, Sophia, and Bar Kribus. “St. Yared in the Sǝmen Mountains of northern Ethiopia: The Ethiopian Orthodox and Betä Ǝsraʾel (Ethiopian Jewish) religious sites”, Afriques: Débats, méthodes et terrains d’histoire 13 (2022). [DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/afriques.3564]

Ephraim Isaac. The Ethiopian Orthodox Tawahido Church (Afroasiatic Studies). Trenton: The Red Sea Press, 2012.

Fritsch, Emmanuel. The Liturgical Year of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. The Temporal: Seasons and Sundays (Ethiopian Review of Cultures. Special Issue). Addis Ababa, 2001.

Getachew Haile. “Some Notes on Priest Yared and His Contribution”, in Ethiopian Studies in Honour of Amha Asfaw, p. 269–320. New York, NY [no publisher indicated] 2017.

Habtemichael Kidane. “Dəggʷa”, in Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, vol. 2, ed. S. Uhlig, p. 123–24. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005.

Hailu Habtu. “Introduction”, in Lisane Worq Gabra Giyorgis (Meri Geta): Tintawi Serate Mahelet ZeAbuna Yared [The Ancient Order of Singing of our Father Yared, the Master], p. xx-yy (?) . Addis Ababa: Maison des Etudes Ethiopiennes, 1997.

Irvine, A. K., and Sergew Hable-Selassie. “Yared”, in The Dictionary of Ethiopian Biography, vol. 1, ed. Belaynesh Michael, S. Chojnacki, and R. Pankhurst. Addis Ababa: Institute of Ethiopian Studies, 1975. (Reproduced with permission in: Dictionary of African Christian Bibliography. [View online])

Melaku Yigezu. Ethiopian Sacred Music: The Life and Accomplishment of St. Yared. D.Min. thesis. Azusa: Azusa Pacific University, 2022. [Online preview (ProQuest)]

Moges Seyoum (Liqa Mezemran). ታላቁ ኢትዮጵያዊ ሊቅ፡ቅዱስ ያሬድና የዜማው ታሪክ ከነምልክቱ [The Great Ethiopian Scholar: Saint Yared and the History of his Hymns and their Notation]. Arodyon Books, 2017. [ISBN 10: 0998562505, ISBN 13: 9780998562506]

Pérès, Jacques-Noël. “La Chenille et les oiseaux: Yãrêd le Mélode dans la tradition de l’église d’Éthiopie”, in L’Hymnographie: Conférences Saint-Serge XLVIe Semaine d’Etudes Liturgiques. Paris, 29 Juin–2 Juillet 1999, ed. A.M. Traiacca and A:. Pistoria, p. 47–55. Roma: Edizioni Liturgiche, 2000.

Shelemay, Kay Kaufman, Peter Jeffery, and Ingrid Monson. “Oral and written transmission in Ethiopian Christian chant”, Early Music History 12 (1993): 55–117. [View online]

Taddesse Tamrat. “A Short Note on the Ethiopian Church Music”, Annales d’Ethiopie 13 (1985): 135–43. [View online]

Tedros Abraha. “Quotations from Patristic Writings and References to Early Christian Literature in the Books of St. Yared”, Le Museon 122, no. 3–4 (2009): 331–404. [View online; subscription barrier]

Tekletsadik Belachew. “From Abba Salama to King Lalibela: Christian Traditions in Ethiopia are among the Oldest in the World”, Journal of African Christian Biography 5 no. 4 (2020): 60–66. [View online]