Apostle Zelalem Gragn Gudeta was born in Chigisha, Kamashi Zone, Benishangul Gumuz Region, in 1977. He accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior in 1990 and was baptized five years later. At age 15, Zelalem joined the choir of Chigisha Kristos Andinet Church; six years later, he became a member of Kamashi Mulu Wongel choir.
Zelalem had started solo singing in 1992. From 2003 on, he has sung his own songs during regular Sunday services as well as at spiritual conferences in the Gumuz area and beyond (e.g., in Agelo near Nejo in 2004 and in Belo, East Wolega, in 2005). Apostle Zelalem sings in his mother tongue Gumuz as well as in Amharic, Oromo, English and Shinasha.
From early on, Zelalem committed himself to ministry (e.g., leader of choirs and secretary of church leaders). After finishing his professional training, Zelalem worked in Kamashi Zone administration and later as a teacher. Having earned a diploma in theology, Apostle Zelalem has served as a full-time minister of Mulu Wongel Church and as a missionary coordinator of the zonal Evangelical Churches Fellowship. He resides with his family in Kamashi town.
(1) Yäsus məžəgəma [የሱስ ምዥግማ, Jesus is mighty]. Cassette with Gumuz gospel songs, released by Nati Studio, Addis Ababa, 2008.

(2) Tära həzb aydälänəm [ተራ ሕዝብ አይደለንም, We are not ordinary people]. Cassette with Amharic gospel songs, released by Abel Studio, Addis Ababa, 2011.

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» Visit MOHC Media Kamashi YouTube Channel
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- YouTube Music (Gumuz and Amharic)
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published in 2022:
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Further reading
Küspert, Klaus-Christian. “Språk og etnisitet: NMS misjonen blant Gumuz i Etiopia 1970-2020”, Norsk tidsskrift for misjonsvitenskap 1 (2020), 21-40. [Read online]
— Zelalem Gragn (Apostle)