Amharic Bible (1844)

Biblia Sacra Amharice. Sub auspiciis D. Asselini […] in linguam amharicam vertit Abu-Rumi habessinus. Edidit Thomas Pell Platt
[Holy Bible in Amharic. Under the auspices of D. Asselin (i.e., Jean-Louis Asselin de Cherville, Translator of the French Consulate in Egypt) translated into Amharic by Abu-Rumi, an Abyssinian. Edited by Thomas Pell Platt (former fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge)]. 2nd edition [with some assistance by Karl Wilhelm Isenberg]. London: R. Watts, 1844. [Printed at the expenses of the British and Foreign Bible Society; 1st edition publ. in 1840]:

Source: Google Books

Further reading


The manuscript written by Abu Rumi (alias abba Abraham) is deposited at Cambridge University Library [Reference Code: GBR/0374/BFBS/BSMS 15]

Secondary Literature

Dehérain, Henri. “Asselin de Cherville, drogman du consulat de France en Égypte et orientaliste. (Part I),” Journal des savants 14 (April 1916), 176-187. [Online:]

Kleiner, Michael. “Abu Rumi [a.k.a. abba Abraham],” in Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, vol. 1, ed. S. Uhlig, p. 53-54. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, 2003.