Archives with letters / manuscripts by Krapf

This overview is based on J. Eber, Johann Ludwig Krapf (Riehen and Lahr 2006, p. 253-56) and H. Bursik, “‘Wissenschaft u. Mission sollen sich aufs innigste miteinander befreunden.’ […] der Afrikareisende Johann Ludwig Krapf” (M.A. thesis, Vienna 2008, p. 219).

[work in progress]




Krapf, Johann Ludwig. Letter to Henry Cheetham. 6 December 18__ [no year indicated]. Sammlung  Darmstaedter [acc. 1912.193]

Braunschweig [Brunswick]


Krapf, Johann Ludwig. Letter to Karl Andree. Korntal, 28 June 1861. STA BS, H III 3: 16, Vol. 4. [Read online (printed in Bursik’s thesis)]

—. Letter to Dr. R.[obert] Koenig in Leipzig. Korntal, 24 January 1873. STA BS, H III 3: 16, Vol. 4. [Read online]


Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek

Krapf, Johann Ludwig. 2 letters to Prof. Heinrich von Ewald. 14 January 1845 and 20 September 1848. Cod. MS. Ewald 41: Bl. 768-781. [Read online]


Deutsches Literaturarchiv

Krapf, Johann Ludwig. 13 letters to Cotta publishing house. 1857–58. [Read online]

Schönebeck (near Bremen)

Heimatmuseum Schloss Schönebeck (Rohlfs-Archiv)

Krapf, Johann Ludwig. 9 letters to Gerhard Rohlfs. 16 July – 16 October 1872. [Read online]


Württembergische Landesbibliothek

Krapf, Johann Ludwig. 10 letters to [the school headmaster in Korntal,] Gottlob Pfleiderer. 1858–80. Cod. Hist. 4° 713, 458-467. [Read online]

—. Letter to unknown person. Korntal, 27 Februar 1864. Cod. Hist. 4° 333a, 216. [Read online]

—. Letter to unknown person. Korntal, 27 July 1875. Cod. hist. Fol. 1006, 67a. [Read online]

—. Letter to unknown person. Korntal, 10 November 1875. Cod. hist. Fol. 1006, 67b. [Read online]


Krapf, Johann Ludwig. Letter to a pastor [concerning autographs from his old correspondence]. 19 December 1878. A 1741


  • No letters from / to Krapf. However, Rebmann’s diary (Febr. 1848 – Febr. 1849) and his letters to CMS and his friends might be relevant.



(1) Basel Mission Archives

BV 110  I  Correspondence June 1826 to March 1836
— / II      Correspondence Febr. 1837 to Febr. 1858
— / III Correspondence after Krapf’s death

BMA C-10.05.07 Arthington & Krapf (c. 1865), Mission station on the White Nile (proposed but rejected missionary venture)

(2) Staatsarchiv des Kantons Basel-Stadt

StA Basel Privatarchiv 653, Christian Fr. Spittler (PA 653 / SpA)

PA 653a III. 12  Letter from Spittler to Krapf:

  • 1 letter from Spittler to Krapf (1866),
    1 letter from Spittler to Krapf (1866)

PA 653a V. 639 Letters from Krapf to Spittler:

  • 10 letters from Krapf to Spittler (1854-66)

PA 653a XXX. 3.112 Letter from Krapf to Gobat:

  • 1 letter from Krapf to Samuel Gobat (Massawa, 2 March 1855)

PA 653a XXXII. 12  Letters to Jäger [close associate to Spittler]:

  • 64 letters from Krapf to Jakob Ludwig Jäger (1860-81)

PA 653a B. 2.25   Letter from Krapf regarding re-organisation:

  • Krapf, “Gedanken bei [der] und für die Reorganisation der Pilger-Mission”, Obertürkheim, 27 June 1868, 11 pp.

PA 653a B. 7.3   Letters from missionary Krapf (Germany):

  • 60 letters from Krapf to Spittler and Jäger (1857-60)

PA 653a. D. 1.8 Oromo mission:

  • “Galla-Mission” (1872), dossier

PA 653a D. 2.1   Country description:       

  • „Neue abyssinische Mission“ (1855), 11 pp., by Krapf and (predominantly) J. M. Flad

PA 653a D. 3.6   Letters from Krapf (Jerusalem):

  • 24 letters from Krapf to Spittler and Jäger (1850-69)

PA 653a D 3.7   Letter from L. & L. Krapf:       

  • Letter from Ludwig & Lotte Krapf to Spittler (22 Jan. 1859)

PA 653a E 3.4   Apostles Road / Cairo Station:

  • Letter from Krapf to Spittler (Cairo, 28 Aug. 1861)

Bettingen (near Basel)

Archive & Library, Theologisches Seminar St. Chrischona
[* Pilgermission St. Chrischona, Komitee]

Minute books:

  • (1) Dec. 1853-60
    (2) 1861-66
    (3) 1867-73
    (4) 1873-77
    (5) 1878-97

Correspondence fascicle „Apostelstraße“ [Apostle’s Road]:

  • 1 letter from Spittler to Krapf
    3 letters from Krapf to Schlienz
    1 letter from Krapf to A. Rappard

Correspondence book Basle Bible Society:

  • Excerpts of 2 letters from Spittler to Krapf (1859 and 1863)

Board newsletter to Chrischona brethren, ‘printed as manuscript’, Basel, 1 Aug. 1867, 2 pages

Several donation leaflets


  • EK 1.1 Jahr Rundschreiben (Jahresberichte) der Pilgermission (1847-99)
  • EK 1.1 Mitt Mittheilungen aus der Correspondenz der Pilgermission (1862-77)
  • [var.] Glaubensbote und Mitteilungen aus der Pilgermission (1878-82)

“Berichte der Apostelstraßen-Station St. Paulus in Matammah an der Grenze des nordwestlichen Abessiniens: Erstattet von den Pilgermissionaren Haußmann und Eipperle. Nebst einem Schlußwort von Dr. Krapf.” St. Chrischona: Pilgermission, 1863

United Kingdom


Archive of the Church Mission Society, Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham

Mediterranean Mission

  • C M/ O44/ 1-25 Letters
    — / 26-28 Journals (1837-1841)

East Africa Mission

  • C A5/ O16/ 1-161 Letters
    — / 162-178 Journals (1841-1880)
    — / 179 Memoir on the East-African Slave-trade (1853)
  • Proceedings of the CMS for Africa and the East,
    vol. 36 (1835-36) to 62 (1861-62)
  • CMS G/ AC/ 14C Komitee der Pilgermission [Board of St. Chrischona Pilgrim Mission, i.e. C. F. Spittler, S. Preiswerk, E. Bernoulli, S. Barth-Otto, C. G. Barth], “Letter of Introduction” to CMS, Basel, 1 April 1838


British and Foreign Bible Society Library, Cambridge University Library
  • Correspondence books (in excerpts):
    Foreign Correspondence Inwards (FCI), 3, 1840, Box 63
    — / 3 [?], 1841, Box 67
  • Editorial Correspondence Inwards 1 (1858-60) to 15 (1880-81)
  • Agent Book Nr. 119, Mr. T. Bruce, Febr. 1868 to Oct. 1869
    —/ Nr. 128, Oct. 1869 to Oct. 1870


(1) India Office and Library Records, British Library
  • 4 letters from Krapf 1840-41:
    IOL, BSP, 159, Nr. 1486B
    — / 166, Nr. 2473
    — / 170, Nr. 3080
    [mentioned in D. Crummey, Priest and Politicians (Oxford 1972), p. 48, fn. 4 · p. 51 · p. 51, fn. 1 · p. 53, fn. 2]
  • Letter from Zeneb (Alaca Saneb) to Krapf, 16 December 1868, IOL, AOC (Abyssinia Original Correspondence) 2, 35-37
    [printed in Acta Aethiopica, vol. 2: Tewodros and His Contemporaries 1855-1868, ed. Sven Rubenson (Addis Ababa and Lund 1994), nr. 370]
(2) Foreign Office, Public Record Office, The National Archives
  • 2 Letters from Krapf:
    Pro, FO I/ III, 53-6 and 65-6
    [mentioned in D. Crummey, Priest and Politicians (Oxford 1972), p. 48, fn. 2]
(3) Royal Geographic Society
  • Manuscripts written by Krapf in 1840, 1849 and 1850
(4) Religious Tract Society Archive, SOAS, University of London
  • 6 letters from Krapf are documented in the correspondence books that survived WW II. These letters are about financing translation projects.
(5) United Methodist Free Churches Archive, SOAS, University of London
  • There are no correspondence or committee minutes until 1868.
  • 3 letters written by Krapf
    [documented in E. A. Wakefield, Thomas Wakefield: Missionary and Geographical Pioneer in East Aequatorial Africa. 2nd edition. London 1904; view online]


(1) Papers of the Church’s Ministry among Jewish People
[* London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford
  • Minute books of the general committe and sub-committees:
    c. 23 Minute Book 1858-62 “T”
    c. 24 Minute Book 1862-68 “U”
    c. 25 Minute Book 1868-73 “V”
  • Jewish Records (1818-84)
(2) Papers of the Baptist Missionary Society, The Angus Library and Archive, Regents Park College, University of Oxford
  • Robert Arthington correspondence and Arthington Fund (supported the St. Chrischona Pilgrim Mission for some years)
  • No letters from Krapf


Wien [Vienna]

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek

Krapf, Johann Ludwig. 9 letters to Prof. Simon Leo Reinisch, Aug. 1874 to Aug. 1879.
747/23-1.Han – 747/23-5.Han
277/18-1.Han – 277/18-4.Han
[Read online]



Stockholms Stadsarkiv

SEM /S 1.2/E I 3: Correspondence

  • 8 letters from SEM leaders to Krapf (1868-72)
    8 letters from Krapf (1869-72)



Bibliothèque nationale de France

The French National Library houses, among other things, the holdings of the Société de Géographie.

  • Letter from Krapf to M. Jomard (honorary chairman of the Society and author of an early article about the Oromo), 1854.

United States of America

Salem, MA

Philipps Library, Peabody Essex Museum

PL8009. K737:

  • Krapf, Kinika vocabulary for John Frederick Graf (missionary in East Africa), manuscript, 1861. (60 pp; with a letter from Krapf to Rebmann, 1862)
    [Krapf and Rebmann’s ca. 400 pp. dictionary was printed in 1887]

MH 14: Richard P. Watters Papers (1st American Consul in Zanzibar)

  • 3 letters from Krapf



National Archives of Egypt

Krapf, Johann Ludwig. Letter to Robert Fleming (?), 1875.
Abyssinie 9/1, fols 186–87.
[Mentioned in Getatchew Haile et al. (eds.), The Missionary Factor in Ethiopia (Frankfurt/M. etc. 1998), p. 68, fn. 2]


» View bibliography of Krapf’s pieces in periodicals