Report of the BFBS, excerpts (1805-50)

Report of the British and Foreign Bible Society.

Excerpts on Bible translation and dissemination, 1805-50. See esp.

  • 1811, p. 27: Plan to print the Book of Psalms and one of the Gospels in “Ethiopic” (i.e. Ge’ez).
  • 1814, p. 56: The Books of Psalms and the Gospels of St Matthew and St John are in the course of printing.
  • 1815, p. 424: Letter of Asselin de Cherville on Abba Abraham (alias Abu Rumi) and their translation of the Bible into Amharic.
  • 1816, p. 137-39: Letters of Asselin de Cherville and Silvestre de Sacy on biblical and other sacred texts in Amharic.
  • 1818, p. 7: Report from “Bombay” [i.e. Mumbai] mentioning Asselin de Cherville superintending the translation of the Bible into Amharic.
  • 1818, p. 113-14: Letters of William Jowett and Henry Salt on distributing Ge’ez Books of Psalms.
  • 1819, p. 229: Letter of Christopher Burckhardt [from Basel Mission] on Abraham and distributing Ge’ez Books of Psalms.
  • 1821, p. lvi: Asselin de Cherville and Abba Abraham’s Bible translation bought by the BFBS; hope to rekindle among the Abyssinians the “Scriptural light”.
  • 1822, p. lxiii: The Four Gospels in Amharic are prepared for printing.
  • 1822, p. 112ff: Polyglot, Arabic and Ge’ez Bible in the BFBS library.
  • 1823, p. lvi, lxxiv: St Matthew’s Gospel in Amharic passed through the press. In preparation for an edition of the Gospels in Ge’ez, Thomas P. Platt (Honorary Librarian for the BFBS) examined oriental manuscripts in Paris.
  • 1823, p. 60-65: Letters of Thomas P. Platt on his visit to Paris and French-speaking Switzerland.
  • 1824, p. lxii: The Four Gospels in Amharic left the press; the Ge’ez version is about to be printed.
  • 1825, p. li-lii: Ten volumes of biblical manuscripts in Ge’ez (donated by the Church Missionary Society) in preparation for the press.
  • 1826, p. xxxv; xliii-xliv: Ge’ez and Amharic Bible texts in Malta ready for distribution. BFBS friends in Mumbai interested in supplying Abyssinian Christians with Bible texts.
  • 1827, p. lvi-lvii: Ge’ez and Amharic Bible texts were forwarded from Mumbai to Malta.
  • 1828, p. lxxx: Copies of the Four Gospels in Ge’ez and Amharic were sent to Malta for further distribution; positive feedbacks.
  • 1828, p. cvii: On Thomas P. Platt’s recent literary and editorial work.
  • 1829, p. lxix; lxxxix: The printing of the New Testament in Amharic will soon be completed. Thomas Platt’s [i.e. Thomas Pell Platt’s father] bequest to the BFBS.
  • 1830, p. lxxvii-lxxviii: Copies of the New Testament Epistles in Amharic were sent to Malta; the Amharic Bible is prepared for printing.
  • 1832, p. lxxvii-lxxviii; lxxxix: Copies of the Book of Genesis in Amharic were sent to Malta and Mumbai for further distribution. The printing proceeded to the end of the Book of Exodus. Platt resigned from his post as honorary librarian in 1831, but continued to work on the Amharic Bible as an independent collaborator.
  • 1833, p. xlix; lxxii: Rev. Kruse in want of Amharic Bible texts for distribution in Egypt. Copies of the Book of Psalms in Amharic were sent to Malta and Mumbai; the printing of the Amharic Bible advanced to Numbers [4 Mose] 6.
  • 1834, p. lxxv; xc: 200 copies of the Book of Psalms in Amharic sent to Mumbai for forwarding to Abyssinia. The Amharic Bible was printed up to the end of Deuteronomy [5 Mose]; positive feedback on the Amharic Bible texts from Ethiopians (via Rev Samuel Gobat).
  • 1835, p. lxxxiii-lxxxiv: Platt’s editing of the Amharic Bible advanced to 2 Samuel. Gobat’s Journal published; hope that “a day of favourable visitation is dawning” on Abyssinia.
  • 1836, p. lxx: The printing of the Amharic Bible advanced as far as 2 Chronicle.
  • 1837, p. xc-xci: Letter of Isenberg with the request to print the rest of the Old Testament in Amharic soon and carefully. Plan to sent 1000 copies of the Pentateuch in Amharic.
  • 1839, p. lxxviii-lxxix: Platt completed the revision of the Old Testament in Amharic began to adapt the layout of the New Testament for the printing of the complete Bible.
  • 1841, p. lxxxix: 100 copies of the Amharic New Testament granted for distribution by Johann Ludwig Krapf.
  • 1842, p. lxxxv: Krapf reported great demand for Amharic and Ge’ez Bible texts in Ankober and beyond.


» Report of the BFBS, excerpts (1865-96)

» Report of the BFBS, excerpts (1916-23)