Classification and map

according to Glottolog

Cushitic languages
(1) Bilin
Reinisch, Leo, ed. The gospel of Mark [and the Lord’s Prayer] in the Bilin or Bogos-language. [Tr. by Stephanos from Hami Mentel]. Vienna: printed for the B.F.B.S. by A. Holzhausen, 1883. []
- Darlow & Moule, Catalogue, # 2174:
“Translated from Krapf’s Amharic version, by a native named Stephanos, under the supervision of Professor Leo Reinisch.”
(2) Xamtanga (a.k.a. Chamir)
Songs of Songs in ‘Tcherets Agaw’ [i.e., Xamtanga?]. Translation commissioned by James Bruce, prob. in 1770/71. Bodleian Library, Bruce ms. 94. [View online]
(3) Qimant [a.k.a. Kǝmantnäy]
Songs of Songs in ‘Falasha’ [i.e., Qimant?]. Translation commissioned by James Bruce, prob. in 1770/71. Bodleian Library, Bruce ms. 94. [View online]
Flad, Johannes Martin. A Short Description of the Falasha and Kamants in Abyssinia together with an Outline of the Elements and a Vocabulary of the Falasha-Language. Ed. by J.L. Krapf. St. Chrischona (Switzerland): Mission Press, 1866. [Includes a transl. of John 1,1‒5 (from 1855); Digitale Sammlungen]
Halévy, Joseph. “Essay sur la langue Agaou: Le dialecte des Falachas.” Actes de la Société philologique 3, no. 4 (Nov. 1873), 147‒88. [Includes a translation of the Book of Jonah; Digitale Sammlungen]
Reinisch, Leo, ed. The gospel of Mark [and the Lord’s Prayer] in the Quara or Falasha-language. [Tr. by debtera Birru, who was introduced to Reinisch by M. Flad]. Vienna: printed for the B.F.B.S. by A. Holzhausen, 1885. [View online]
(4) Awngi
Songs of Songs in ‘Damot Agaw’ [i.e., Awngi?]. Translation commissioned by James Bruce, prob. in 1770/71. Bodleian Library, Bruce ms. 94. [View online]
Further readings
(1) Publications by Leo Reinisch (1832-1919)
Reinisch, Leo. Die Bilin-Sprache in Nordost-Afrika [from a paper read at the Royal Academy]. Vienna: printed by A. Holzhausen, 1882. [Google Books]
—. Die Bilin-Sprache.
- Vol. 1: Texte der Bilin-Sprache [includes excerpts from the Joseph story and the Gospels]. Vienna: Grieben, 1883. [Google Books]
- vol. 2: Wörterbuch der Bilin-Sprache. Vienna: Hölder, 1887. [Google Books]
—. Die Quarasprache in Abessinien. [Google Books (vol. 1-3)]
- Vol. I: [Grammatik]. Vienna: printed by A. Holzhausen, 1885.
- vol. II: Textproben [includes excerpts from Genesis, Ruth, and the Gospel according to John [tr. by debtera Birru] as well as a Quara – German dictionary]. Vienna: printed by A. Holzhausen, 1885.
- vol. III: Deutsch-Quarisches Wörterverzeichnis. Vienna: printed by A. Holzhausen, 1887.
(2) Secondary Literature
Darlow, Thomas H. and Horace F. Moule, comp. Historical Catalogue of the Printed Editions of Holy Scripture in the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Vol. II (in 3 parts): Polyglots and Languages other than English. London: Bible House, 1911.
- Reprints: New York: Klaus Reprint, 1963; Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2022 [Google Books]
Mukarovsky, Hans G., ed. Leo Reinisch: Leben und Werk. Vienna: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1987.
Sommerauer, Erich René, ed. Der Nachlaß Reinisch in der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Vienna: WUV-Universitätsverlag, 1999.