Bible texts in Kunama

(1) Edited by Augustus Andersson (1868–1952)

publ. in 1906:

Marko Ewangela ossia Evangelo di San Marco: Tradotto in Lingua Cunama. [Marko Ewangela or Gospel of St. Mark; translated into Kunama (by August Andersson)]. Asmara: Swedish Mission Press, 1906. [Available at the univ. libraries in Paris, Cambridge, Stockholm] [Cf. Coldham, Bibliography, # 1469]

  • Revised edition by Olle S. Hagner, Daniel Luli and Abel Fagghi: Kunama Aurabu Kolattama: Marko Evanyela. [Addis Ababa:] Bible Society of Ethiopia, 1970. [Publication printed in Asmara; cf. Coldham, Supplement, # 293]

Storia Sacra: Tradotta in Lingua Cunama Aug. Andersson. [Selected Bible Stories from Wilhelm Norlén and Fredrik Lundgren, Biblisk historia för folkskolan]. Asmara: Swedish Mission Press, 1913. [Cf. Coldham, Bibliography, # 1470]

(2) Edited by Johan Magnus Nilsson (1865–1949)

Koyšiša Tama / Il Nuovo Testamento in Kunama. [The New Testament in Kunama]. Translated by J. M. Nilsson with the assistance of Nils Dahlberg and Augustus Andersson. London: British & Foreign Bible Society, 1927. [Cf. Coldham, Bibliography, # 1471]

Salmi di Davide e Cantici Christiani in lingua Cunama. Transl. by _ _ _. Gefle, Sweden (?): Missione Evangelica d’Eritrea, 1933 [?].

  • Cf. Coldham, Bibliography, # 1472:
    “Selected Psalms, and hymns. […] Bound with a collection of choruses with a general title dated 1949 [?] and published at ‘”‘Missione Evangelica. Cunama.’ Pp. 145-220” [Copy available at SOAS in London]

(3) Edited by Olle S. Hagner

_ _ _

  • Coldham, Supplement, # 292:
    “In 1960 and 1970 the Swedish Evangelical M, Eritrea, published volumes of stories from the OT and NT, translated apparently by Olle S. Hagner […]. Vol. I OT, […] Vol. II NT. […] Copies in SOAS.”

(3) Edited by Egidio Kiar (OFM Cap [Capuchin])

_ _ _ Sunday and Feastday Lectionary (cycle A). Translated by Egidio Kiar. Barentu: Catholic Mission, 1978.

Hesu Kristo Vangela [The Gospels]. Translated by Egidio Kiar. Barentu: Catholic Mission, 1983.

Apostolo Mina Fala [Acts of the Apostles]. Translated by Egidio Kiar. Barentu: Catholic Mission, 1984.

(4) Edited by Vittorio Antutu (OFM Cap)

_ _ _ Psalms. Translated by Vittorio Antutu. Barentu: Catholic Mission, 1979.

(5) Interconfessional Editions

_ _ _ New Testament (1927 – 2004)

Kitaba Keddusa: Kotafa Kitabette. [Bible with deuterocanonical books]. Asmara: Bible Society of Eritrea, 2012.

Further reading

(1) Old language descriptions

Englund, Petrus. Litet prof på kunama-språket. Stockholm: EFS Förlag, 1873.

Reinisch, Leo. Die Kunama-Sprache in Nordost-Afrika [from a paper read at the Royal Academy; part 1: grammar]. Vienna: printed by A. Holzhausen, 1881. [Google Books]

  • “Die Kunama-Sprache in Nordost-Afrika [part 2: texts]”. Sitzungsberichte der (kaiserlichen) Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien, philosophisch-historische Klasse 119 (1889), 5th essay [mainly folk tales. Pp. 77-93: excerpts from the stories of Ruth and Abraham, the Passion of Jesus, plus the Lord’s Prayer and a letter to SEM missionaries] [Google Books].
  • “Die Kunama-Sprache in Nordost-Afrika [part 3: Kunama-German dictionary]”. Sitzungsberichte der (kaiserlichen) Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien, philosophisch-historische Klasse 122 (1890), 5th essay. [Google Books
  • “Die Kunama-Sprache in Nordost-Afrika [part 4: German-Kunama dictionary]”. Sitzungsberichte der (kaiserlichen) Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien, philosophisch-historische Klasse 123 (1891), 1st essay. [Google Books]
(2) Secondary literature

Andemariam Tesfamichael. La chiesa eparchiale di Barentú: cento anni di Missione tra i Cunama 1912-2012. Milan (Italy): Biblioteca Francescana, 2019.

Munzinger, Werner. Ostafrikanische Studien. Schaffhausen (Switzerland): Hurtersche Buchhandlung, 1864. [For a Kunama ethnography, see pp. 373-536; Google Books]