[Languages arranged in chronological order
according to the publication of the first translation]
Eastern Nuer (1936ff)
(1) Bible portions
Ruaaini Ti Gɔu ti caa gɔr e Jɔn [St. John]. Nasir: American Mission, 1936.
- Coldham, Bibliography, # 2267:
“Translated by Paul Smith, and C. Blanche Soule, assisted by Rust Gok and Pec Kak.” - Revised edition by C. B. Soule. London: BFBS, New York: ABS, 1938. [cf. Coldham, Bibliography, # 2268]
- Thuk Ruaacni Yɛcu Tëë Caa Gɔr e Jɔɔn. Revised edition by Eleanor Vadevort. Malakal: Spearhead Press,
c. 1960. [Cf. Coldham, Bibliography, # 2270.]
Thuk Ruaacni Yɛcu Tëë Caa Gɔr E Mak [St. Mark]. Malakal: Spearhead Press, c. 1960.
- Coldham, Bibliography, # 2269:
“translated by Eleanor Vadevort, American M. Mimeographed.”
Warɛga Pitɔr in Nhiam [1 Peter]. Malakal: Spearhead Press, c. 1960.
- Coldham, Bibliography, # 2271:
“Translated by E. Vandevort. Mimeographed.”
Yöth Ji Ithɛrɛl [Exodus]. Malakal: Spearhead Press, 1961.
- Coldham, Bibliography, # 2272:
“translated by E. Vandevort, assisted by Moses Kuac Nyɔat.”
Warɛgani Jɔn daŋ diɔk. Warɛga Juud. Warɛga Pitɔr in Rɛwde. [1 – 3 John, Jude and 2 Peter]. Malakal, Spearhead Press, 1961.
- Coldham, Bibliography, # 2273:
“translated by E. Vandevort. […] Mimeographed.”
Warɛga Jɛymɛth [James]. Malakal: Spearhead Press, 1961
- Coldham, Bibliography, # 2274:
“translated by E. Vandevort. Mimeographed.”
Tuɔk Cäkä Yɔaa [Genesis]. Malakal: Spearhead Press, c. 1962.
- Coldham, Bibliography, # 2275:
“translated by E. Vandevort, assisted by M. K. Nyɔat”
(2) New Testament
Ruac Kuɔth in Thiak kɛ kui Yecu Kritho. New Testament, in union of various Nuer dialects. Khartoum: Bible Society in Sudan, 1968. [ABS, printed in England].
- Coldham, Supplement, # 423:
“translated by A. Mac Roy, Eleanor C. Vandevort and Robb McLaughlin, Upper Nile Mission of the United Presbyterian Church (formerly American M.).”
(3) Bible
_ _ _ (1999)
Anywaa (1956ff)
(1) Bible Portions
Mathyu ki dha Anyua [St. Matthew]. Translated by Harvey Hoekstra (American Missions in the Sudan). Malakal: ABS [American Bible Society], 1956. [Cf. Coldham, Bibliography, # 123]
Jɔn ki dha Anyua [St. John]. Transl. by H. Hoekstra. Malakal: ABS, 1956. [Cf. Bibliography, # 124]
- Transcribed “into Amharic characters by H. Hoekstra” in 1959. [Cf. Bibliography, # 126]
- Corrected edition, revised orthography, 1960
(cf. Coldham, Supplement, # 30)]
Cik Pɔl Kipɛr jɔ Rom ki dha Anyua [Romans].
Jɔn Mana Tiinh Ka Dha Anyuaa [1 John]. Transl. by H. Hoekstra. Diglot in Anywaa and Amharic. Hagere Hiwot: Baptist Mission Press, 1959. [Cf. Bibliography, # 127]
- Coldham, Supplement, # 31:
“the roman character text followed by the text transcribed into arabic characters”, 1960
Cik Pɔl Kipɛr jɔ Thɛthalonika Ki Timothi ki dha Anyua [1 Thessalonians – 2 Timothy plus James and 1 – 2 Peter]. Transl. by H. Hoekstra. Malakal: ABS, 1959. [Cf. Bibliography, # 128]
Moa Tiic Nyiiarwie li ki dha Anyua [Acts]. Transl. by H. Hoekstra. Malakal: ABS, 1960. [Printed in Uganda; cf. Bibliography, # 129
(2) New Testament
Luuma Nyään Na Mɛt Mar Yesu Kristo. Transl. by H. Hoekstra and a committeeNew York: American Bible Society, 1962. [Cf. Bibliography, # 130]
- Slightly revised edition, publ. in Ethio-Semitic script. Addis Ababa: American Mission Press, 1965. [Cf. Coldham, Supplement, # 32]
(3) Bible
_ _ _ (2013)
Bible portions
_ _ _ (after 1974)
New Testament
_ _ _ (2003)
Incoming correspondence: “Abyssinian dialects, 1928-08 – 1947-01”. British & Foreign Bible Society Archives, Univ. of Cambridge. Ref. Code: GBR/0374/BFBS/BSA/E3/3/3.
- Scope and contents: “Boran, Gimeera, Godala, Gofa, Gudeilla, Guragwe, Lamba, Nuer, Nuba: Abria, Sidamo, and Walamo”
Coldham, Geraldine E. (compiler). A Bibliography of Scriptures in African Languages: A revision of the African sections of the Darlow and Moule ‘Historical Catalogue of Printed Editions of the Holy Scripture’, with additions to 1964. 2 vols. London: The British and Foreign Bible Society, 1966.
—. Supplement (1964 ‒ 1974) to A Bibliography of Scriptures in African Languages (BFBS, London, 1966). London: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1975.