Bible texts in Tigre

(1) Edited by Carl Winqvist (1847–1909)

Evangelium enligt Markus på Tigre-Språket [Gospel of Mark]. Translated by Dawit Amanu’el with the help of Täwäldä Mädḫən Gäbrä Mädḫən (under the supervision of Carl Winqvist). Monkullu: Mission Press, 1889. [Google Books]

  • Darlow & Moule, Catalogue, # 9295:
    “The translation of the New Testament was begun at Gheleb, in Eritrea, in 1880 by two natives named Twoldo Medhen and David Emanuel, at the suggestion of E. Hedenström, of the Swedish Evangelical National Society (‘Evangeliska Fosterlands-Stiftelsen’). It was continued and completed at Moncullo in 1889 by D. Emanuel, under the supervision of Karl Winqvist, of the same Mission. In the same year, 1889, this tentative edition of St. Mark’s Gospel was printed at the mission-press, Moncullo.”

(2) Edited by Karl Gustav Rodén (1860–1934)

Il Nuovo Testamento in Tigrè: Tradotto dal Greco, basandosi specialmente sull’ ultima versione Inglese ed anche Etiopica, da Carlo Gustavo Roden coll’ aiuto dei maestri indigeni Twoldo Medhen, Davide Emanuele ed aItri / Ḥaddis gäläd [The New Testament in Tigre: Translated from the Greek, based especially on the latest English and also Ge’ez version, by Karl Gustav Rodén with the help of the native masters Täwälda Mädḫən, Dawit Amanu’el and others]. Asmära: Mission Press, 1902. [Hamburg Univ.]

  • Darlow & Moule, Catalogue, # 9296:
    “This version, which practically amounts to a new translation, is a thorough revision of that completed in 1889 [s. above, Gospel of Mark].”
  • 2nd (revised) edition. Asmära: Mission Press, 1931. (On behalf of the British and Foreign Bible Society)
    • Coldham, Bibliography, # 3075:
      “revision […] prepared by K. G. Rodén and Axel Jonsson, Swedish M.”

_ _ _ [Old Testament]. Translated by K. G. Rodén.

(3) Translated by Gustav Richard Sundström (1869–1919), Yohannǝs ’Emilǝyos Musa († 1952) and ‘Uqbazgi Mändal

I salmi di Davide in lingua tigrè / Darsān Dāwid. Translated by G. R. Sundström [with Yohannǝs ’Emilǝyos Musa and ‘Uqbazgi Mändal]. Asmära: Mission Press, 1925. (On behalf of the British and Foreign Bible Society) [View online] [Cf. Coldham, Bibliography, # 3073]

  • 2nd edition. 1931

Il libro di Isaia in lingua Tigré [Isaiah] / Ketāb ʼEsayās. Translated by G. R. Sundström [with Yohannǝs ’Emilǝyos Musa and ‘Uqbazgi Mändal]. Asmära 1925. [Cf. Coldham, Bibliography, # 3074]

(5) Translated by Musa Aron and Axel Berglund

Kətab qəddus, bali wäḥaddis gäläd [Holy Book: Old and New Testament]. Addis Abäba, 1995/96.

Further reading

Catalogues of Bible translations

Darlow, Thomas H. and Horace F. Moule (compilers). Historical Catalogue of the Printed Editions of Holy Scripture in the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Vol. II (in 3 parts): Polyglots and Languages other than English. London: Bible House, 1911. (Reprints: New York: Klaus Reprint, 1963, and Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2022 [Google Books].

Coldham, Geraldine E. (compiler). A Bibliography of Scriptures in African Languages: A revision of the African sections of the Darlow and Moule ‘Historical Catalogue of Printed Editions of the Holy Scripture’, with additions to 1964. 2 vols. London: The British and Foreign Bible Society, 1966.

Individual translations

Senai Ande W. Andemariam. “The Story of the Translation of the Bible into Tǝgre (1877–1988)”, ITYOP̣IS 2 (2012), 62–88. [View online]