Regni Dei in terris historia amharicè duabus partibus. I. Illa quae populo Dei acciderunt, inde Adami lapsu ad Hierosolymitarum deletionem, breviter narratur. II. Ecclesiae christianae historiam, a S Joannis morte ad tempora nostra, systematice exponit. /
የእግዚአቢሔር መንግሥት ታሪክ [History of the Kingdom of God]. 2nd, revised edition by Martin Flad. 2 parts in 1 vol. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1893.
Part 1: From the Fall of Adam to the Destruction of the People of Jerusalem
Part 2: From the Death of St John to Our Times
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Original edition
Isenberg, Carl Wilhelm. Regni Dei in terris historia amharicè / የእግዚአቢሔር፡ መንግሥት፡ ታሪክ. 2 vols. London: R. Watts, 1841. [Digitale Sammlungen]
Carl Wilhelm Isenberg studied at Basel Mission Institute (1824‒27) and Berlin University (1827‒29). Even though Isenberg’s history is an independent work, there are probably echoes of lectures by the Berlin professors E.W. Hengstenberg (Old Testament) and A. Neander (Church History).