Man’s Heart, Either God’s Temple or Satan’s Abode / የሰው ልብ የእግዚአብሔር መቅደስ ወይም የሰይጣን ማደርያ. 3rd edition, carefully revised by Johannes Martin Flad. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1889.
The source of this booklet is a publication by Johannes Evangelista Goßner. A friend had asked him to reprint an illustrated pamphlet translated from French into German in the 1730s. Goßner kept ten Jesuit emblems depicting various states of the human heart on its spiritual journey. However, he insisted on rewriting the texts.
Goßner’s booklet Das Herz des Menschen appeared in several European and other languages editions from the 1810s onwards. It was used for evangelism and spiritual care.
» 1st Amharic edition, transl. by J.L. Krapf and Mika’el Arägawi. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1870. [Copy available at St. Chrischona]
» 2nd Amharic edition by J.L. Krapf. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1873. [Copy available at St. Chrischona]
» Oromo edition by Onesimos Nesib. St. Chrischona: Mission-Press, 1899. [ALVIN Portal]