Galaxxi mazmuulluwwa

Galaxxi mazmuulluwwa [ገለጥ መዝሙሉወ, Songs of thanks]. Edited by Ruth Cremer and Belete Loriso. N.p., n.d. [2nd edition; Addis Ababa: SIM Press, around 1987]

Source: SIL Library, Addis Ababa


From Ruth Cremer’s circular letters:

  • Addis Ababa, 11 February 1980:
    “A few days ago I returned from my first two week stay in Hosanna. […] Nineteen years ago I worked there for 7 months so the area is not new to me. […] Later the elders came and discussed with me what I would need for literacy work and two days after that brought two young men whom they had chose to work with me. […] I plan to return in two weeks and in the meantime they are collecting Hadiya hymns and we plan to write them up and duplicate them to circulate amongst the people at the conference a week before Easter.”
  • Hadiyya Literacy Report – Nov. 1982:
    “In the next 5 months we plan to do the following: […]
    3. To gather the hymns of the older men and women and make a book of them. (The previous book was mostly of young people’s hymns. Of these about 2,000 have been sold.)”
  • Addis Ababa, 15 April 1983:
    “Another 60 Hadiyya hymns have been collected for the second and these have to be checked yet.”
  • Addis Ababa, 15 September 1987:
    “Last time a vehicle went from here it took 2000 Hadiyya hymn books, revised and enlarged. We have sold almost 4000 before with small type print but now we have the big print from the computer so all the older folk will also be able to read it, and they have waited 2 years since the last edition sold out [in 1985].”

Further reading

Cremer, Ruth M. Circular letters from 1980 to 1987.
[SIM Int’l Archives, Charlotte, NC; Ref.: Ethiopia Personnel Box 04]