Gebru Desta, Bibliography

(1) Published Sources

1.1 By Gebru Desta as the sole author

Gäbru (Käntiba). Yaamäreñña säwasew märi [A short guide to the Practical Amharic Grammar]. Addis Ababa 1922/23. [1915 A.M.]

1.2 By Gebru Desta as assistant

Epistolae Apostolorum Domini nostri et Salvatoris Jesu Christi: Aethiopice et Amharice [Epistles of the Apostles of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in Ge’ez and Amharic]. Basel: C. F. Spittler, 1878. [Printed at the request and by the expense of the BFBS at the Mission Press in St. Chrischona]. [Bonn University]

1.3 On Gebru Desta

“First Call for Abyssinia! Ambassadors Congratulate America on Part in War and Bespeak Attention to Trade Opportunities”, The New York Times, 10 August 1919, X3. [Mainly quoting Gebru Desta; view online]

(2) Published Letters

2.1 Published in Smidt, Deutsche Briefe (1869-78)
  • Gobaw Desta to Martin Flad, Massawa, end of 1877
  • Gobaw Desta to Martin Flad, Azezo, May 1878).
2.2 Published in Smidt, Deutsche Briefe (1878-89)
  • Gobaw Desta to Gobaw Desta to Flad, Imkullu, Sept. 1880
  • Gobaw Desta to St. Chrischona, Balli, Dec. 1885
  • Gobaw Desta to St. Chrischona, Dar es Salaam, March 1888
2.3 Published in Bairu Tafla, Ethiopia Records
  • Gobau Desta to Alfred Ilg, Dar es Salaam, Nov. 1888

[View letters online]

(3) Manuscripts and other archive materials

3.1 Addis Ababa, Institute of Ethiopian Studies

Gäbru (Käntiba). “Yäkäntiba Gäbru Dästa yäheywät tarik” [Käntiba Gäbru Dästa’s autobiography, written in the late 1930s]. Addis Ababa, Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Manuscript 1682.

3.2 St. Chrischona, Archive (Library)

Gobaw Desta, English CV (for admission at St. Chrischona), written in Jerusalem, 12 April 1871, in: Smidt, “Deutsche Briefe […] (1869 bis 1878)” [pp. 6-8 of 26 on the publication at]

3.3 Wuppertal, Archives of the United Evangelical Mission (UEM)

File M 263: “Desta Gobau [1887‒89]”. Archives of the United Evangelical Mission (UEM), Wuppertal, Germany.

3.4 Hermannsburg, ELM Mission Archive

File AE 4.33-II: “Gäbru Desta”, ELM Mission Archive, Hermannsburg, Germany.

3.5 Swedish Evangelical Mission Archives

Gobaw to Påhlmann, 1890.07.09

3.6 Other Archives

(?) Any relevant files in Jerusalem / Weinheim / Basel / Korntal or Stuttgart / Addis Ababa / etc. (?)

(4) Secondary Literature

4.1 Amharic

Dawit Gäbru. Käntiba Gäbru Dästa, Yäʾiṭyopya qərs [Käntiba Gäbru Dästa, Ethiopia’s Heritage]. Addis Ababa 1992/93. [1985 A.M.] [Buy a copy at Mereb Shop]

4.2 English

Bahru Zewde. Pioneers of Change in Ethiopia: The Reformist Intellectuals of the Early Twentieth Century. Oxford: James Currey, Athens: Ohio Univ. Press, Addis Ababa: Addis Ababa Univ., 2002. [See esp. p. 42-47]

Bairu Tafla. “Four Ethiopian Biographies”, Journal of Ethiopian Studies 7, no. 2 (1969): 1–31. [On Käntiba Gäbra Dästa, see p. 22–31; view online (subscription barrier)]

—. Ethiopian Records of the Menilek Era: Selected Amharic Documents from the Nachlaß of Alfred Ilg 1884‒1900. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2000.

—. “Gäbrä Ǝgziʾabəḥer Dästa”, in Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, vol. 2, ed. S. Uhlig, p. 606-07. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2005.

“Gebru Desta” articles by Paul E. Balisky resp. Dishaye Menberu in the Dictionary of African Christian Biography.

Shell, Sandra Rowoldt. Children of Hope: The Odyssey of the Oromo Slaves from Ethiopia to South Africa. Athens: OH: Ohio Univ. Press, 2018. [See index, s.v. Liban Bultum; Google Books]

4.3 German

Bauerochse, Ernst. Ihr Ziel war das Oromoland: Die Anfänge der Hermannsburger Mission in Äthiopien. Münster: Lit, 2006.

Flad, Johann Martin. 60 Jahre in der Mission unter den Falaschas in Abessinien: Selbstbiographie. Preface and closing remarks by Friedrich Flad. Gießen and Basel: Brunnen, 1922. [See p. 312, 321-22, 332-38, 341-44; Frankfurt Univ. Library]

Harms, Hans Otto. “Kentiba Gebru Desta”, Die Hermannsburger Mission: im Jahre 1971: 69-77. [Cf. Arén, Envoys, p. 415, n. 31 and H.O. Harms in Lebendiges Erbe]

Rosen, Felix. Eine deutsche Gesandtschaft in Abessinien. Leipzig: Veit, 1907. [See p. 296-97, 432 (picture taken in April 1905); Internet Archive]

Smidt, Wolbert G.C. “Deutsche Briefe von Äthiopiern aus der Protestantischen Mission: Vom Fall des Téwodros bis zur Unterwerfung des Königs Minílik (1869 bis 1878)”, Orientalia Parthenopea 8 (2008), 9-56. [View at]

—. “Deutsche Briefe von Äthiopiern aus der Protestantischen Mission: Von der Reichseinigung unter Yohannis IV. bis zur großen Hungersnot (1879 bis 1889)”, Orientalia Parthenopea 9 (2010), 9-52. [View at]

Waldmeier, Theophil. Erlebnisse in Abessinien in den Jahren 1858 – 1868. Bevorwortet von Dr. L. Krapf. Basel: Spittler, 1869. [See p. 3, 19, 46, 130; view online]