Catholic Gospel Songs in Hadiyyisa


The first Catholic missionary the Hadiyya area, Fa. Pascal of Luchon, arrived about 100 years ago. Several Catholic centers were established in rural areas (Wassera, etc.). These circumstances were conducive for the creation of vernacular gospel songs.

The first original songs in Hadiyyisa seem to have been written around 1974 by Catechist (then Deacon) Wolde Yesus from Saddama. The French Cappuchin Priest at the station then was Fa. René.

The Apostolic Administrator in Hossana until 1972, Bishop Urbain-Marie Person, opposed clapping and dancing. Antiphonal singing was also not adopted by Catholics in the area.


Songs submitted by Rev. Bayyana Caakkiso (Digiba).

Source: Stefan Ritter collection


» Catholics in Ethiopia (Introduction)