Krapf, Pieces in periodicals

[work in progress]


(1) Church Missionary Record: Detailing the Proceedings of the Church Missionary Society. London, 1830ff

The CMS periodicals are available in “Adam Matthew” (pay wall; Birmingham Univ.). For volumes accessible on the internet for free, see the overview at Yale Library (links to HathiTrust). “Foreign intelligence” can be found in:

  • vol. 9 (1838), p. 18: excerpt from Krapf’s letter of 15 Oct. 1837 [HathiTrust]
  • vol. 10 (1839), pp. xx-yyy: excerpt from Isenberg & Krapf’s Journal [non vidi]
  • vol. 11 (1840), p. 102: An Ethiopian who had accompanied Krapf on his journey to Ethiopia was accepted into the CMS seminary in Cairo; he was also taught to play the harmonium. [HathiTrust]
  • vol. 12 (1841), pp. 2-4: No quotations from Krapf; Isenberg reports their stays in Adwa and Ankober; pp. 3-4 mention two Ethiopians interested in evangelising the Oromos [HathiTrust] · pp. 184-87: excerpts from Krapf’s journal and his letter of 1 Dec. 1840: Oromo resource person Berkie [Barkii]; etc. [HathiTrust]
  • vol. 13 (1842), pp. 97–98: Krapf’s letters of 1 Febr. and 20 Febr. 1841: i.a., he translated Mt – Acts and Romans into Oromo [HathiTrust]
  • vol. 14 (1843), pp. 27–39: Krapf’s letters of 14 Dec. 1841, 28 Febr. 1842 and 26 Dec. 1842 as well as his journal [cf. p. 28: Krapf sent an Oromo version of Mt – Acts home (Romans not being mentioned) and completed Genesis; HathiTrust]
  • vol. 15 (1844), pp. 69, 71-72: Krapf’s letters of 22 April 1843 (waiting for CMS Board decision to reach the Oromo via Zanzibar) and 26 May 1843 (death of first child) [HathiTrust]
  • vol. 16 (1845), pp. 6–13; 39–45: Krapf’s letters of 9 Sept. 1844 and excerpts from his journal; p. 42 on translational labours [HathiTrust] · pp. 73–74: “Memoir of Mrs. Krapf” [HathiTrust]
  • vol. 17 (1846), pp. 1–9; 36–39: Krapf’s letters of 9 Sept. 1844, 25 Sept. 1844, 30 Jan. 1845, 14 Febr. 1845 as well as his journal [p. 38f on translation work in Kiswahili, Kinika, etc.; HathiTrust]

not yet seen:

  • vol. 18 (1847).
  • vol. 19 (1848).
  • (?) vol. 20 (1849)

(2a) The Church Missionary Intelligencer: A Monthly Journal of Missionary Information. London, 1850ff

  • vol. 1 (1850). “East Africa Mission [from Krapf’s Journal]” (pp. 37–42; 62–64; 85–88; 111–15; 133–36; 154–58; 181–83; 202–05; […]; 412–18; 449–54; 468–74) ·
    Krapf, letter to Hon. Sec., Febr. 1849 (pp. 54–56) · Krapf’s introduction to his Kihiáu vocabulary (pp. 127–29) · Krapf, letter to CMS on restarting mission to Shewa, May 1850 (pp. 344–46) [Google Books]
  • vol. 2 (1851). Krapf, “Account of the Manners and Habits of the Wakamba” (pp. 55–59) · Krapf met the King of Prussia (p. 72) [Google Books]
  • vol. 3 (1852). “Letters and Journals of Missionaries: The East-Africa Mission” (p. 27–40) · “Summary of Intelligence: East-Africa Mission [Letter]” (p. 192) · Vindication of Dr. Krapf and Rev. J. Rebmann’s statements from the strictures of Mr. W. D. Cooley (pp. 219–36) [Google Books]
  • vol. 4 (1853). East-Africa Mission [from Krapf’s Journal] (pp. 91–95, 107–12, 137–44, 166–68, 210–16, 237–40) [Google Books]
  • vol. 7 (1856). “Abyssinia [The introductory piece quotes from various resource persons, pp. 51 from Krapf’s journal]” (pp. 27–40, 51–57, 89–93, 113–17, 140–44, 162–66, 212–16) [Internet Archive]
  • New Series, vol. 10 (1874). “East Africa and the Slave Trade” (p. 321-23 recounts the beginning of Krapf’s mission work in the Mombasa area) [Google Books]

(2b) The Church Missionary Intelligencer and Record: A Monthly Journal of Missionary Information

  • New Series, vol. 4 (1879). Quote from a letter recently sent by Krapf (p. 725) [Internet Archive]

(3) Report of the British and Foreign Bible Society. London, 1805ff

» View excerpts, 1865-96

(4) Church Missionary Gleaner. London, 1841ff

Cf. overview at Yale Library (links to HathiTrust; each vol. begins with a geographically organised table of content)

  • vol. 6 (1846). Krapf, “Account of the Wonicas of Eastern Africa, and of the Wagnaro, an absurd and atrocious custom among them—Policy of the Mahomedans contrasted with the supineness of Christians” (pp. 41–44) [HathiTrust]
  • vol. 8 (1848). “A Letter from Rev. Dr. Krapf [16 April 1848]” (pp. 113–16) [HathiTrust]
  • New Series, vol. 1 (1850–51). “East African Inquirers [i.a., qadi who assisted Krapf as an interpreter]” (175–77) [Google Books]

(5) The Christian Observer. London, 1802ff

  • vol. 43 (1843) [= American edition vol. 1]. Isenberg and Krapf’s Travels in Abyssinia. Extracts of Journals of Isenberg and Krapf: Preface · a few notices of their journey, 2 April 1839 – Aug. 1840 · as in the Journals, blank until March 1842 (p. 751-68) [Google Books]

(6) The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, 1831ff

Cf. JSTOR overview (searchable and with general indexes)

  • vol. 10 (1841). “Abstract of a Journal Kept by the Rev. Messrs. Isenberg and Krapf, on Their Route from Caïro, Through Zeïla’ to Shwá and I’fát, between the 21st of January and 12th of June, 1839” [only such parts as relate principally to geography; the whole of this Journal has already appeared in the “Proceedings of the Church Missionary Society, 1839-40”] (p. 455-68) · “Extracts from a Journal, Kept at Ankóbar, from 7th June to 2nd October, 1839” (p. 469-88) [JSTOR]
  • vol. 20 (1851). James MacQueen, “Notes on the Present State of the Geography of Some Parts of Africa” (p. 235-52; 242-51 reporting on Krapf’s travels) [JSTOR]

(7) The Athenaeum: Journal of Literature, Science, and the Fine Arts. London 1828ff

Cf. overview at HathiTrust


(1) Rundschreiben an die Freunde der Pilger-Mission. St. Chrischona, 1854-64


(2) Jahresberichte der Pilgermission. St. Chrischona, 1870ff

(3) Mittheilungen aus der Correspondenz der Pilgermission. St. Chrischona, 1862–77

(4) Glaubensbote (und Mitteilungen aus der Pilgermission). St. Chrischona, 1878–82

(5a) Magazin für die neueste Geschichte der evangelischen Missions- und Bibelgesellschaften [Enclosed: Monatliche Auszüge aus dem Briefwechsel und den Berichten der brittischen [!] und ausländischen Bibelgesellschaft]. Basel: Mission Institute, 1816-56

For volumes accessible on the internet, see the overview at Yale Library [Several reports in the quarterly issues draw from the Basel Mission periodical “Der evangelische Heidenbote”. The documents enclosed at the end of each volume (“Monatliche Auszüge” [s. title above]) were compiled by the British and Foreign Bible Society and deserve special attention.]

  • vol. 22 (1837). Pp. 361f report Krapf’s last year in Basle studying oriental languages and his meeting with Gobat in Malta [HathiTrust]
  • vol. 25 (1840). On Krapf, see 3rd quarterly issue, pp. 30f (teaching a 14-year-old and a priest [* Heidenbote Nr. 5, Mai 1840]) [HathiTrust]
    • Q: 1840 Amh. Bible mentioned in appendix? What about Platt’s journey?
  • vol. 26 (1841). On Krapf, see esp. Monatliche Auszüge aus dem Briefwechsel und den Berichten der brittischen [!] und ausländischen Bibelgesellschaft (ed. by the BFBS), p. 70f (Krapf’s letter of 20 Febr. 1841: High demand for Bibles. Krapf wants the King to send a bilingual [Amharic-Ge’ez] Bible to each Orthodox congregation; he envisions the establishment of a Bible Society in Shewa) [HathiTrust]
  • vol. 28 (1843). On Krapf, see 4th quarterly issue, pp. 36, 38, 40; pp. 42-45 (Krapf, letter from Zeila, 22 Jan 1843); pp. 45-55 (Krapf, letter from Aden, 5 April 1843); pp. 55-62 (Krapf, letter of 26 April 1843) ·
    Monatliche Auszüge aus dem Briefwechsel und den Berichten der brittischen [!] und ausländischen Bibelgesellschaft: pp. 61-62 (Krapf, letters of 14 Dec. 1841; 28 Febr. 1842; 16 March 1842) [MDZ München]
  • vol. 29 (1844). 4th quarterly issue, pp. 18-19 (Krapf intends to reach the Oromo via Kenya; approx. 8000 Bible [parts] distributed in Ethiopia) [HathiTrust]
  • vol. 32 (1847). 4th quarterly issue, pp. 17-18 (Krapf’s letter of Nov. 1846; i.a. on slavery) [HathiTrust]
  • vol. 35 (1850). 1st quarterly issue, pp. 6-172 (Krapf’s stay in Shewa from 1839 to 1842 [German translation of excerpts from Journals of the Rev. Messrs. Isenberg and Krapf, London 1843]) [HathiTrust]
  • vol. 37 (1852). 3rd quarterly issue, p. 183 (Krapf’s letter of 12 April 1852: Proposed mission station in Usambara)
  • vol. 39 (1854). 2nd quarterly issue, pp. 45-46 (Krapf’s letter of 24 Dec. 1853: return to Germany, future plans)
  • vol. 40 (1855). 3rd quarterly issue, pp. 57-58 (Krapf’s letter of 23 Oct. 1854: Plan to return to Abyssinia and visit Hermannsburg)
  • vol. 41 (1856). 4th quarterly issue: Albert Ostertag, “Die Reise des Missionars Dr. Krapf nach Abessinien im Jahr 1855: Mit einer kirchen- und missionsgeschichtlichen sowie ethnographischen Einleitung über Abessinien” (pp. 76-183) [MDZ München]

(5b) Evangelisches Missions-Magazin: Neue Folge [No longer with BFBS reports, but articles by the Basel Bible Society]. Ed. for the Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft: Albert Ostertag (1857ff), Hermann Gundert (1865ff), Johannes Hesse (1875ff). Basel: Verlag des Missions-Comptoirs, 1857ff

  • vol. 3 (1859), pp. 292-94: Review of Johannes Mühleisen (alias John Muehleisen Arnold), Ishmaël: Or natural history of Islamism in its relation to Christianity (Stuttgart: Metzler, 1859) by anonymous [A. Ostertag?], including Krapf’s recommendation of the book. [MDZ München]
  • vol. 5 (1861), pp. 22-35: “Krapf und Rebmann in Ostafrika” (Paraphrases Krapf’s book Reisen in Ost-Africa and an article in the Church Mission Intelligencer, 1860, pp. 25ff) [MDZ München] · p. 54f: Krapf’s letter of 23 Nov. 1860 (Proposed travel to Kenya and return via Ethiopia)
  • vol. 6 (1862), pp. 264-67 (Letter by Krapf from Cairo, 1861) [MDZ München]
  • vol. 7 (1863), p. 19 (Report about Kenya and Ethiopia; mentions Debtera Sanab, ”a spiritual man who holds Bible studies with [Emperor Tewodros’] soldiers and bears witness to Christ everywhere”) [MDZ München]
  • vol. 8 (1864), p. 509 (mentions “Chancellor” Debtera Sanab and Debtera Maskal–“Thoroughly renewed souls who, 18 months after the Germans left the fortress of Magdala [which year?], still continued their Bible studies with the soldiers (two each week) and attracted a fair number of truth seekers”) [MDZ München]
  • vol. 10 (1866), pp. 129-45, 177-90, 225-35, 257-79: “Erinnerungen an Missionar C. W. Isenberg” (includes a recent note by Krapf on the Gospels in Tigrinya) [MDZ München]
  • vol. 22 (1878), pp. 129-39: “Was im letzten Jahr in Africa geschehen ist” (includes a letter by Krapf with updates on foreign and local missionaries in Oromia) [MDZ München]

(6) Calwer Missionblatt. Ed. Gundert et al. (Printed in Tübingen: Fues), 1828ff

  • vol. 41 (1868), pp. 18-19: Letter by Krapf from Senafe, Dec. 1867 [MDZ München]

(7) Das Ausland (Tagblatt / Wochenschrift für Kunde des geistigen und sittlichen Lebens der Völker). Stuttgart etc.: Cotta, 1828ff

Cf. WikiSource (with index at the beginning of each volume)

  • vol. 12 (1839). “Missionär-Nachrichten aus Abyssinien (p. 687) [MDZ München]

  • vol. 24 (1850). “Nachricht über Entdeckungen in Ostafrika” [* Bulletin de la société de géographie, Sept. 1850, which in turn cites an English (missionary?) source] (p. 1135) · Der Beginn der Mission in Ostafrika [* Church Missionary Intelligencer, Sept. 1850] (p. 1221f, 1228) [MDZ München]
  • vol. 25 (1852). “Noch etwas über die Nilquellen” (p. 177) [MDZ München]
  • vol. 26 (1853). Excerpt from Krapf’s letter dated 22 April 1852 [* Bulletin de la société de géographie, Nov. 1852] (p. 120) [MDZ München]
  • vol. 27 (1854). Excerpt from a letter Krapf sent to Jomard [* Bulletin de la société de géographie, March/April 1853] (p. 576) [MDZ München]
  • vol. 30 (1857). “Über die Masai und Wakuasistämme” (p. 437-42, 461-66) · Die Insel Sansibar (p. 748-52, 779-84) · Seereise an der südarabischen Küste von Aden bis Sihut, an der ostafrikanischen Küste vom Cap Guardafui bis zur Insel Sansibar, unternommen am 10. Nov. 1843 und vollendet am 7. Januar 1844 (p. 985-88, 1011-15, 1037-40, 1059-63, 1088-92. [MDZ München]
  • vol. 31 (1858). Krapf, “Die frühere Geschichte der Stadt und Insel Mombas (4° südl. vom Aequator) in Ostafrika” (p. 849-52) [MDZ München]
  • vol. 32 (1859). Krapf, “Abessinische Notizen” (p. 374-78, 1143-45 [p. 1145 on musical instruments; MDZ München]) · “Dr. Krapf über die von Burton und Speke entdeckten ostafrikanischen Seen” (p. 998-1000) [MDZ München]
  • vol. 33 (1860). Krapf, “Reise von Tadschurra durch das Afer-Land nach Schoa, im Jahr 1839, und Aufenthalt daselbst” (p. 865-70, 895-99, 921-26, 942-46)
    [Krapf concludes with the following sentence: “I want to conclude my report here and perhaps follow it up later with a second report on my three-year stay in Shoah, insofar as my notes in my East African travel book have remained unpublished”; MDZ München
    > It seems that the second part of Krapf’s manuscript, which may have contained further information about his assistant Barkii and their Bible translation work, was never published and has since been lost.]
  • vol. 36 (1863). Letter by Krapf, informing about his return to Germany, etc. (p. 192) [MDZ München]
  • vol. 39 (1866). Letter from Eipperle (?) to Krapf, “Der Sklavenhandel in Galabat an der nordwestlichen Gränze von Abessinien und am weißen Fluß” (p. 215-16). [MDZ München]

(8) Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 1847ff

Cf. WikiSource (with index volumes)

  • vol. 3 (1849). “Von der afrikanischen Ostküste [excerpts from Krapf’s letter to Prof. Ewald, 20 Sept. 1848]” (p. 310-21). [Internet Archive]
  • vol. 8 (1854). “Schreiben des Missionar Dr. Krapf an Prof. Rödiger [vom 16. Jan. und 3. Febr. 1854]” (p. 563–70). [View online]

(9) Monatsberichte über die Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin

  • vol. 4 (1842-43): Ritter, Carl. “J. L. Krapf’s Reise in Abyssinien, von Schoa in die Nähe des Havash-Flusses, 1840: Zur Erläuterung der Karte im zweiten Jahrgange der Monatsberichte 1840-41. S. 93”, pp. 158-72 [excerpts from Krapf’s journal] · “Bericht von dem Fluße Goschop und den Ländern Enarea, Kafa und Doko, durch einen Eingeborenen [Dilbo] aus Enarea (nebst einer vorgelegten Kartenskizze im MS., s. Taf. II” (p. 172-88) [German translation of the paper Krapf submitted to the Egyptian Society (of Geography?) in Cairo].
  • Neue Folge, vol. 8 (1851): “Auszug aus einem Brief des Missionar Krapf an den Rev. Venn aus Cairo vom 13 May 1850”, p. 33-36 · “Dr. Krapf’s Reise von Mombas zu dem Lande der Schneeberge in Wakampa unter dem Aequator […]” und “Auszug aus Dr. Krapf’s Journal seiner Reise nach Ukambani”, p. 193-210.

(10) Zeitschrift für allgemeine Erdkunde [successor to the Monatsberichte über die Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin], 1853ff [Neue Folge: 1856ff]

  • vol. 6 (1856). Krapf. “Aus einem Schreiben des Herrn L. Krapf über seine neueste Reise nach Abessinien (Kornthal, d. 23. Oct. 1855)” (p. 350-56). [Google Books]

(11) Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes’ geographischer Anstalt.

  • vol. 4 (1858). “Die Völker Ost-Afrikas. Zur Erklärung der ethnographischen Typen auf Tafel 18. Nach Guillain, Krapf und A. (p. 396-405) [MDZ München]

(12) Annalen der Erd-, Völker- und Staatenkunde.

  • vol. 11 (1841). “Isenberg’s und Krapf’s Reise nach Schoa” (p. 66-70) [SLUB Dresden]

(13) Schwäbischer Merkur

  • year 1876 [Month, day?]. “Gründung der Missionsstation Livingstonia” (p. ??)


(1) Nouvelles annales des voyages. New Series. Paris

See overview at Gallica [French National Library]

  • vol. 24 (1850): “Journal d’un voyage au pays d’Oukambaris, dans l’Afrique orientale, aux mois de novembre et de décembre 1844: Avec un carte dressée par les Missionnaires de Mombaz, òu se treuvent indiquées les découvertes récutes dans cette partia de l’Afrique; précédé d’un aperçu historique sur la Mission de l’Afrique orientale par le Dr. Krapf, Missionaire Evangélique; traduit de l’anglais” (no. 4, pp. 5–16; 143–59).
    [* Church Missionary Intelligencer, Sept. 1850]
  • vol. 27-28 (1851): “Journal d’un voyage au Ouadigo, au Ouachinoi et à l’ Ousambára, contrèes de la côte orientale d’Afrique dans le sud et le sud-ouest de Mombaz, fait en juillet et aóut 1848: traduit de l’anglais” (no. 3, pp. 113–40; no. 4, pp. 72–125).
  • vol. 31 (1852): “Courses dans l’Afrique orientale: extrait d’une lettre ècrite de la côte orientale d’Afrique par le Rév. Dr. Krapf [1 Oct. 1851]” (no. 3, pp. 129–44).
    [* Bombay Church Missionary Record]
  • vol. 35 (1853): “Note sur l’embonchure de la Louffou, rivière de la côte orientale d’Afrique, et sur une partie de cette côte au sud de Zanzibar” (no. 3, pp. 5–10).
  • vol. 39 (1854): “Observations et remarques sur différents sujets relatifs à l’Afrique orientale: Tirées de plusieurs lettres adressées au Professeur Rödiger; Traduit de l’allemand” (no. 3, pp. 348–59).
    [* Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 8, no. 3 (1854)]

(2) Bulletin de la société de géographie. Paris 1822 ff

See overview at Gallica [French National Library]

  • 4th series, vol. 3 (1852): “Voyages des docteurs Krapf et Rebmann dans l’Afrique Orientale”, p. 137-46 [Cf. Church Missionary Intelligencer, Febr. 1852]
  • 4th series, vol. 7 (1854): “Lettre de M. Krapf a M. Jomard, Président honoraire de la Société de Géographie (Extrait) [30 Aug. 1853]”, p. 256-62 [On the occasion of the award of a medal of honour]


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