Maier and Bender, Bible colportage (1869f)

After the British military expedition to Maqdala in 1868, the missionaries had to leave Ethiopia. The Maier and Bender families moved to Jerusalem for several months. In 1869 they were back in Ethiopia and travelled with aläqa Zännäb to Adwa, where they distributed Bible texts for the British & Foreign Bible Society (BFBS) and founded Bible study groups.

BFBS, Monthly Reporter, October 1869:

Further reading

(1) Sources

[Maier and Bender.] “Journals of Mssrs Johannes Maier and Christian Bender”, 3 Dec. 1868 to 31 Dec. 1869. Manuscript. Location: ? [Cambridge (BFBS) or Basel ?]

[Maier.] “Diary” of Johannes Mayer, written in Adwa, Ankober, Entotto and Balli, April 1869 to October 1883. Manuscript in the possession of Makeda Ketcham, Paris [according to Smidt, Enc. Aeth., vol. 3, p. 891].

(2) Literature

Arén, Gustav. Evangelical Pioneers in Ethiopia: Origins of the Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus. Stockholm: EFS förlaget; Addis Ababa: Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus, 1978. [Esp. p. 151-54; view online]

(3) Cross-references

» Vignette of Johannes Mayer [aka Maier]

» Report of the BFBS, excerpts (1865-96)