Mika’el Aregawi, Bibliography

(1) Cotranslated / revised publications

Krapf, Johann Ludwig & Mika’el Arägawi (tr.). _ _ _ [Amh.] / Man’s Heart either God’s Temple or Satan’s Abode: Represented in 10 Figures; For Awaking and Promoting Christian Faith and Life. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1870. [View online (forthcoming)]

The Books of the Old Testament, translated into the Amharic language by Abba Rukh […]. First Part containing The five books of Moses. The book of Joshua. The book of Judges. The book of Ruth. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1871. [View online]

መጽሐፍ ቅዱስ / The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments [in Amharic]. Revised by Johann Martin Flad with the assistance of Mika’el Aregawi. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1886 [according to the Amharic text: 1887]. [Printed at the expenses of the BFBS; view @ Hamburg Univ. Library]

_ _ _ [Ge’ez and Amharic New Testament]. Revised by Blatten Geta Heruy Wolde Selassie. Edited by Friedrich Flad and Mika’el Aregawi. Bilingual edition. Addis Ababa: Berhanena Selam [Imperial Press], 1925.

(2) Letters by Mika’el Aregawi

2.1 Published in Smidt, Deutsche Briefe (1855‒69)
  • Mika’el Aregawi to Krapf? (Gafat, 20 Jan. 1865) [View online]
2.2 Published in Smidt, Deutsche Briefe (1869-78)
  • Mika’el Aregawi to St. Chrischona (Alexandria, 18 Nov. 1873) [View online]
  • Mika’el Aregawi and Agashe to Martin Flad (Massawa, around Jan. 1877)
  • Mika’el Aregawi to Martin Flad (betw. March/Oct. 1877) [View online]
  • — to Martin Flad (Jända, 5 Oct. 1877)
2.3 Published in Smidt, Deutsche Briefe (1879-88)
  • Debtera Birru, Sanbatu and Mika’el Aregawi to Martin Flad (Jända, end of 1879)
  • Mika’el Aregawi to Martin Flad (Jända, [after March] 1881)
  • — to Martin Flad (Jända, 1884)
  • — to N.N. in St Chrischona (Korntal, [first half year] 1885)
  • — to Martin Flad (Adwa, autumn 1885)
  • — to Martin Flad (Imkullu, 14 March 1889)
  • — to Martin Flad (Imkullu, 16 March 1889)
  • — to St. Chrischona Pilgrim Mission, Ministry Report (Imkullu, April 1889)
  • — to Martin Flad (Imkullu, 28 April 1889)
  • — to Martin Flad (Imkullu, 2 May 1889)

(3) Letters referring to Mika’el Aregawi

3.1 Published in Smidt, Deutsche Briefe (1869-78)
  • Sanbatu Dani’el to Martin Flad (Jända, 26 Nov. 1875)
    [i.a., no hymns during a typical Sunday service]
  • Agashe Sahlu to Martin Flad (Azäzo, 27 April 1877)

(4) Archival materials

[It appears that there are no manuscripts by Mika’el Aregawi in British Archives (e.g. the Papers of the “London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews” at the Bodleian Library) and in the Spittler Archive at the Staatsarchiv des Kantons Basel-Stadt]

(5) Mission journals

5.1 Publ. by St. Chrischona Pilgrim Mission

Mittheilungen aus der Korrespondenz der Pilgermission auf St. Chrischona bei Basel:

  • no. 3, Sept. 1865, p. 20

Chrischona-Blättchen für ihre Kollekten-Vereine:

5.2 Publ. by London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews

Jewish Intelligence and Monthly Account of the Proceedings

  • 1880: _ _ _
  • 1893, pp. 19-28: ” ‘A time of misery and tears’ in Abyssinia”

(6) Secondary literature

Arén, Gustav. Evangelical Pioneers in Ethiopia: Origins of the Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus. Stockholm: EFS förlaget; Addis Ababa: Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus, 1978.
[See p. 102f; view online]

Flad, Friedrich. Michael Argawi: Ein mutiger Kenner und Zeuge unter den Falaschas in Abessinien. Edited by W. Sidler. Basel: Brunnen, 1952. [View online]

Flad, Johann Martin. 60 Jahre in der Mission unter den Falaschas in Abessinien: Selbstbiographie. Preface and closing remarks by Friedrich Flad. Gießen and Basel: Brunnen, 1922. [Archive.org]

Gidney, William Th. The History of the London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews: 1809 to 1908. London: London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews, 1908.
[See p. 476-84; view at Missiology.org.uk]

Norden, Hermann. Durch Abessinien und Erythräa: Reiseerlebnisse. Translated by K. Soll. Berlin: August Scherl, 1930.
[See p. 166-67; view at Archive.org]

  • Engl. original: Africa’s Last Empire: Through Abyssinia to Lake Tana and the Country of the Falasha. London: H. F. & G. Witherby, 1930. [Not yet available online]

Pankhurst, Rita. “Mikael Argawi: Ethiopia’s First Protestant Missionary,” Ethiopia Observer 10, no. 3 (1966), p. _ _ _
[View at Dictionary of African Christian Biography]

Rappard, Carl Heinrich. Die Pilger-Mission zu St. Chrischona [1840-1908]. 2nd edition. St. Chrischona: Mission-Press, 1908.
[List of graduates on p. 265-87]

Smidt, Wolbert G. C. “Deutsche Briefe von Äthiopiern 1855‒1869 aus dem Umkreis der protestantischen Mission zur Regierungszeit von Tewodros II”, Scrinium I (2005) [Varia Aethiopica], 287‒316.
[View at Academia.edu]

—. “Deutsche Briefe von Äthiopiern aus der Protestantischen Mission: Vom Fall des Téwodros bis zur Unterwerfung des Königs Minílik (1869 bis 1878)”, Orientalia Parthenopea 8 (2008), 9-56.
[View at Academia.edu]

—. “Deutsche Briefe von Äthiopiern aus der Protestantischen Mission: Von der Reichseinigung unter Yohannis IV. bis zur großen Hungersnot (1879 bis 1889)”, Orientalia Parthenopea 9 (2010), 9-52. [View at Academia.edu]

Weil, Shalva. “Mikaʾel Arägawi”, in Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, vol. 3, ed. by S. Uhlig, p. 961-62. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2007.

—. “Mikael Aragawi: Christian Missionary among the Beta Israel”, in Beta Israel: The Jews of Ethiopia and Beyond; History, Identity and Borders, ed. by E. Trevisan Semi and Sh. Weil, p. 147-58. Venice: Cafoscarina, 2011. [View at Univie.it]