Amharic Primary Sources
ACIFNA Youth Mäklit, ed. የሕብረት መዝሙሮች፥ ቁ. 1‒18 [The Hibret (‘Communal’) Songs, vols. 1‒18]. Washington, D.C.: Apostolic Church International Fellowship of North America (ACIFNA), 2013. [View online]
Degu Kebede. በሥጋ የተገለጠ አንድ አምላክ [One God Revealed in Flesh]. 2nd edition. Addis Ababa: ACE, 2013.
- To obtain a copy of this or other books by ACE leaders, visit the ACE website.
Fasical Chakiso et al. የመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ አጠቃለይ ትምህርት ለሰንበት ትምህርት ተማሪዎች ለ1ኛ እና ለ2ኛ ክፍል (ክፍል ሁለት) [Sunday school textbook, Grade 1 & 2]. Addis Ababa: ACE, 2009.
–––. የደህንነት ትምህርት ለ3ኛ እና ለ4ኛ ክፍል የሰንበት ትምህርት ተማሪዎች [Sunday school textbook, Grade 3 & 4]. Addis Ababa: ACE, 2009.
Sidaama Primary Source
Molla Bedamo. Mītē bētekirisitīyanē ch’ala āgurana wolē nonī? [ሚቴ ቤተክርስቲያኔ ጫላ አጉራና ዎሌ ኖኒ?; Is There Anything Else Than Only the One Church (Presented in the Bible)?]. Hawassa: ACE, 2013.
- This publication by the Bishop of the ACE in the Sidamo Region is one of the earliest theological treatises in a Highland East Cushitic language.
English Primary Sources
Teklemariam Gezahagne. Bible Writers’ Theology. Rev. edition. Hazelwood, MO: Apostolic Experience Publishing, 2007. [1st ed. 1999]
—. “Christology”. Expanded version of the 2nd chapter in Bible Writers’ Theology. Unpublished document. Addis Ababa, 2007. [View online]
—. Acts of God in Ethiopia. Hazelwood, MO: Apostolic Experience Publishing, 2007.
Secondary Literature
Erickson, Gary D. Pentecostal Worship: A Biblical and Practical Approach. Hazelwood, MO: Word Aflame Press, 1989. [Pentecostal Publishing]
Freeman, Nona. Unseen Hands: The Story of Revival in Ethiopia. Hazelwood, MO: Word Aflame Press, 1987. [Pentecostal Publishing]
—. Then Came the Glory. Minden, LA: Nona Freeman, 1994. [Pentecostal Publishing]
Gill, Kenneth G. Toward a Contextualized Theology for the Third World: The Emergence and Development of Jesus’ Name Pentecostalism in Mexico. Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang, 1994.
- The dissertation does not mention Ethiopia, but it is interesting as the ACE maintains good relations with Spanish-speaking Pentecostal ministers (esp. Apostle Amador Valenzuela [view his Facebook page]).
Haustein, Jörg. “The New Prime Minister’s [Hailemariam Desalegn] Faith: A Look at Oneness Pentecostalism in Ethiopia”, PentecoStudies 12/2 (2013): 183–204. []
Norris, David S. I Am: A Oneness Pentecostal Theology. Hazelwood, MO: Word Aflame Press, 2009. [Pentecostal Publishing]
Reed, David A. “In Jesus’ Name”: The History and Beliefs of Oneness Pentecostals. Dorset (UK): Deo Publishing, 2008. [Google Books]
—. “Then and Now: The Many Faces of Global Oneness Pentecostalism”, in The Cambridge Companion to Pentecostalism, ed. C.M. Robeck Jr. and A. Yong, p. 52‒70. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2014. [On the ACE, see p. 61 ff.; Google Books]
Royer, Darline K. Sent! A History of UPCI Global Missions; vol. 3: Africa. Weldon Spring, MO: Word Aflame Press, 2022. [On Ethiopia, see p. 221‒32; Pentecostal Publishing]
Segraves, Daniel L. God in Flesh: Discovering the Genuineness of Christ’s Humanity. Wentzville, MO: Pentecostal Publishing House, 2014. []
Tesfaye Robele. “ሐዋርያት ቤተ ክርስቲያንና” ትምህርተ ሥላሴ [The Apostolic Church [of Ethiopia] and the Doctrine of the Trinity]. Addis Ababa: Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church Literature Department, 2001.
–––. ውሃውና ስሙ፥ “የሐዋርያት ቤተ ክርስቲያን” የድነት አስተምህሮ በቃለ እግዚአብሔር ሲመዘን [The Water and the Name: The Soteriology of the Apostolic Church [of Ethiopia] Weighed against the Word of God]. 2nd edition. Addis Ababa: Raey Publishers, 2007. [Institute for Religious Research]
Yohannes Sherab. “The Rapid Growth of ‘Jesus Only’ Movement in South West Bethel Synod (SWBS)”. M.Th. thesis at Evangelical Graduate School of Theology. Addis Ababa, 2005.