Oromo Galatians to Revelation (1876)

[Novum Testamentum Domini Nostri et Salvatoris Jesu Christi in linguam Gallanorum vertit J. L. Krapf, Phil. Dr., Debtera Sanebo Habessino ex provincia Efate oriundo, et quatuor Gallanis (Scholan e stirpe Ada, Ware e stirpe Nonno, Dchagan e stirpe Leka, et Rufo e stirpe Guma) enixe auxiliantibus.]
[The New Testament of Jesus Christ in the language of the (Oromo), translated by L. Krapf, PhD, with strong help of debtera Saneb, the Abyssinian from the Efat area, and four Oromos (Sholan from the Ada group, Ware from the Nonno group, Dchagan from the Leka group, and Rufo from the Guma group)]. /
[Vol. 4: Galatians to Revelation. St. Chrischona: Mission-Press, 1876.]


This edition supplements the publication of Acts to 2 Corinthians (St. Chrischona: Mission-Press, 1874).