St. Mark in Quara

Reinisch, Leo, ed. The Gospel of Mark [and the Lord’s Prayer] in the Quara or Falasha-language. Tr. by debtera Birru. Vienna: printed by A. Holzhausen, 1885.


Darlow & Moule, Catalogue, # 3608:
“Translated from the Bogos version by a native named Bern [i.e., debtera Birru], and revised and edited by L. Reinisch.”

  • Debtera Birru [ብሩ; Reinisch: “Beru”] was introduced to Reinisch by M. Flad.

Debtera Birru also worked with Flad on the Amharic translation of Barth’s Bible Stories. Debtera Birru most probably also contributed to other translations and linguistic publications that Flad worked on in the 1860s (view Bibliography).


Songs of Songs in ‘Falasha’ [i.e., Qimant?]. Translation commissioned by James Bruce, prob. in 1770/71. Bodleian Library, Bruce ms. 94.

Reinisch, Leo. Die Quarasprache in Abessinien. Vol. 2: Textproben. Vienna: printed by A. Holzhausen, 1885. [Google Books].

  • This volume includes excerpts from Genesis, Ruth, and the Gospel according to John. All texts translated by debtera Birru.