(1) English publications by David Stokes
Stokes, David E. “The powers that be: missions and national governments” (Silver jubilee booklet, 9). London: Bible Churchmen’s Missionary Society, 1947.
- Available at BCMS Papers, Cadbury Library, Birmingham;
Ref. Code: MS47/A/3/1/6
—. “Ethiopia—Land of the Outstretched Hand” (Field survey, 3). London: Bible Churchmen’s Missionary Society, 1948.
[» BCMS Papers; Ref. Code: MS47/A/3/1/7]
N.N. [Stokes?]. “Christian Literature for Ethiopia.”
[» BCMS Papers; Ref. Code: MS47/A/3/2/5]
(2) Amharic Bible study material by David Stoke
The following publications are / were available via SIMBookEthiopia [see their catologue, p. 70-72]:
- የሮሜ ትርጓሜ (Romans)
- የ1ኛ ቆሮንቶስ – ትርጓሜ (1Corinthians)
- የኤፌሶን – ትርጓሜ (Ephesians)
- የዕብራውያን ትርጓሜ (Hebrews)
- የ1ኛ ጴጥሮስ ትርጓሜ (1Peter)
(3) Secondary Literature
Horton, Walter S., and J. Stafford Wright. The First Twenty-Five Years of the Bible Churchmen’s Missionary Society (1922-47). London: The Bible Churchmen’s Missionary Society, 1947. [See p. 109, 111-12, 145, 171, 177, 210; view online at Missiology.org.uk]
Launhardt, Johannes. Evangelicals in Addis Ababa (1919-1991): With special reference to the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus and the Addis Ababa Synod. Münster: Lit, 2004.
Pedersen, Henrik Sonne. “Early Evangelical Christians in the Dodola area, Bale: Life and setting according to contemporary witnesses and written sources”. [Paper written during his time as lecturer at MYS / EGST?] 2005. [See p. 30-31; view online at academia.edu]
Tibebe Eshete. The Evangelical Movement in Ethiopia: Resistance and Resilience. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2009.
(4) Archival material
The BCMS records from 1911 to 2000 are deposited with the Cadbury Research Library at the University of Birmingham.
- View catalogue of the BCMS Papers.
- Included is a significant amount of Stokes’ correspondence
(Ref. Code: MS47/A/2/4/9).