(1) Publications with input by Wolde Sellasie Kenfe
1.1 Bible translations
The books of the Prophets in Amharic: The third part of the Old Testament. Ed. J.L. Krapf. St. Chrischona 1873. [View online]
From the first book of Samuel to the Song of Solomon in Amharic: The second part of the Old Testament. Ed. J.L. Krapf. St. Chrischona 1873. [View online]
1.2 Linguistic study
Trumpp, Ernst. “Ueber den Accent des Aethiopischen [Ge’ez]”, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 28 (1874): 515‒61. [MENAdoc (Univ. Halle)]
(2) Published letters by Wolde Selassie Kenfu
- Däbtära Wolde Selassie Kenfu to St. Chrischona (31 July 1874). In: Smidt, “Deutsche Briefe […] 1869 bis 1878”, pp. 12‒13 of 26. [View online]
- Däbtära Wolde Selassie Kenfu to St. Chrischona (prob. Dec. 1874). In: Smidt, “Deutsche Briefe […] 1869 bis 1878”, pp. 13‒14 of 26. [View online]
- Wolde Selassie Kenfu to British and Foreign Bible Society (mid 1875). In: S. Rubenson, Acta Aethiopica, vol. 3, Addis Ababa – New Brunswick, NJ, Addis Ababa University Press, 2000, no. 129, p. 180 f. [View online]
(3) Letters referring to Wolde Selassie Kenfu
- (?) Erik Lager to SEM
- Picard, Pierre. “Abyssinie.” Les Missions Catholiques no. 312, 28 May 1875, p. 262‒63.
(4) Missionary journals
Monthly Reporter (British and Foreign Bible Society, ed.)
- 1872. Letter by Krapf to Bible Society
Mittheilungen, etc. (St. Chrischona Pilgrim Mission, ed.)
- 1874-75. See Letters by Wolde Sellasie (above, pt. 2)
Missions-Tidning (Swedish Evangelical Mission, ed.)
- 1874. _ _ _
- 1875. _ _ _
- 1876. See p. 4, 14, 15, 55, 56; Obituary on p. 104 (Sept. issue)
Calwer Missionsblatt (several articles on Gobat’s and Schneller’s ministry in Jerusalem)
- _ _ _
(5) Secondary literature
Arén, Gustav. Evangelical Pioneers in Ethiopia: Origins of the Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus. Stockholm: EFS förlaget; Addis Ababa: Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus, 1978. [See p. 189‒91; online]
Debrunner, Hans Werner. Presence and Prestige: Africans in Europe; A History of Africans in Europe before 1981. Basel (Switzerland): Basler Afrika Bibliographien, 1979. [See p. 318‒19; chapter 9]
Kolmodin, Johannes. “Traditions de Tzazzege et Hazzega”. [= “Zanta Tse’azzegan Hazzegan,” Traduction française]. Archives d’études orientales 5, no. 2 (1915). [See p. 234]
Reinisch, Leo. Die Chamirsprache in Abessinien. 2 parts. Vienna: C. Gerold’s Sohn (in commission), 1884. [See p. 4; Archive.org]
Smidt, Wolbert G.C. “Before Eritrea, before the Diaspora: Habesha in Exile and on Missions Abroad in the 19th Century”, Eritrean Studies Review 4, no. 2 (2005):1‒36, here 11‒14. (= Eritrea Abroad: Critical Perspectives on the Global Diaspora, ed. T. Redeker Hepner and B. Conrad. Trenton, NJ: Red Sea Press, 2005.)
—. “Deutsche Briefe von Äthiopiern aus der Protestantischen Mission: Vom Fall des Téwodros bis zur Unterwerfung des Königs Minílik (1869 bis 1878)”, Orientalia Parthenopea 8 (2008), 9‒56. [View at Academia.edu]
—. “Wäldä Śəllase Kənfu”, in Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, vol . 4, ed. S. Uhlig in cooperation with A. Bausi, p. 1110. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2010.
(6) Unpublished archive materials
Spittler-Archiv at Staatsarchiv des Kantons Basel-Stadt
? “Wochenberichte der Pilgermissionsanstalt”. Ref. Code: PA 653a B. 5.2
? Letters by Krapf to Ludwig Jäger. Ref. Code: PA 653a B 7.3
? “Liste der Brüder im Orient (Morgenlande)”. Ref. Code: PA 653a B. 8.7
? “Verzeichnis der verschiedenen Klassen”. Ref. Code: PA 653a B. 8.8
? “Lebensläufe von Petenten”. Ref. Code: PA 653a B. 9.8
? “Schreiben an das Jerusalem Comite i. Basel”, 1841-78. Ref. Code: PA 653a C. 1.1
? “Briefe wegen d. Syrischen Waisenhaus von J.L. Schneller”, 1850-88. Ref. Code: PA 653a C. 1.6
? “Statuten des Syr. Waisenhauses und Berichte”, 1860-90. Ref. Code: PA 653a C. 4.2
? Letters by Mr Jäger et al.
St. Chrischona-Pilgermission Archive (at Theol. Seminar St. Chrischona)
? personal file “Wolde Sellasie Kenfu” (Brüderverzeichnis Nr. _ _ _),
Stuttgart, Landeskirchliches Archiv
“Syrisches Waisenhaus” (incl. Schneller’s school in Jerusalem). Ref. Code: K 8
EFS historical archives
Korntal/ Baden-Württemberg
- It appears there are no archive materials on Wolde Sellasie