Information about Oneness Pentecostal gospel music

Apostolic Church of Ethiopia

The first leader of the Apostolic Church of Ethiopia (ACE) was Bishop Teklemariam Gezahegne (1937–2022).

They have their own songs, as there is little recognition between Oneness Pentecostals and Trinitarian Christians in Ethiopia.

The Apostolic Church of Ethiopia conducts annual conferences in Wara (Sidama Region), which are attended by very large numbers of people.

Soloists and choirs

» See overview of Oneness Pentecostal soloists

» See overview of Oneness Pentecostal groups

Music distribution

» Visit
(ACE Media Department’s official channel to release [Amharic] albums)

» See overview of YouTube channels

» Download Android App with lyrics of Apostolic Songs

Further study

(1) English publications
1.1 Sources

Teklemariam Gezahagne. Bible Writers’ Theology. Rev. edition. Hazelwood, MO: Apostolic Experience Publishing, 2007. [1st ed. 1999]

—. Acts of God in Ethiopia. Hazelwood, MO: Apostolic Experience Publishing, 2007.

1.2 Secondary literature

Gill, Kenneth G. Toward a Contextualized Theology for the Third World: The Emergence and Development of Jesus’ Name Pentecostalism in Mexico. Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang, 1994.

  • Does not mention Ethiopia, but interesting as the ACE maintains good relations with Spanish-speaking Pentecostal ministers.

Haustein, Jörg. “The New Prime Minister’s [Hailemariam Desalegn] Faith: A Look at Oneness Pentecostalism in Ethiopia”, PentecoStudies 12/2 (2013): 183–204.

» Read online version at

Reed, David A. “In Jesus’ Name”: The History and Beliefs of Oneness Pentecostals. Dorset (UK): Deo Publishing, 2008. [Brill online; subscription barrier]

(2) Internet resources

» For Amharic publications, visit the ACE website.

» For an introduction to Oneness Pentecostalism, watch “Oneness Pentecostals Explained in 2 1/2 minutes“.
(“Ready to Harvest” YouTube channel)

» For a critical view of the Apostolic Church of Ethiopia from a mainline Protestant perspective (Tesfaye Robele et al.), visit the YouTube channel “ኦንሊ ጂሰስ Exposing Only Jesus“.


There is little information available in English language on the gospel music of this community. If you can help fill our knowledge gaps, please contact us via the form at the bottom of this page.