Institutions and Archives Abroad

For Questions about Christian Congregational Music in Ethiopia


Elshaddai Television Network
First office in London; second one in Addis Ababa

Ethiopian Christian Singers and Musicians Fellowship (ECSMF)
Accountable to the Ethiopian Evangelical Church in Minnesota

Getayawkal and Biruktawit Ministries
Operating from Illinois, USA

Mahlet Institute of Worship and Music
Operating from Los Angeles, CA


American Lutheran Mission (ALM)
The American Lutheran Church merged into
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
» Search for media in ELCA Archives

Basel Mission (merged into Mission 21)
» Search for media in Basel Mission Archives

Bible Churchmens’ Missionary Society
(BCMS; renamed Crosslinks)
Headquarters in London

Church Mission Society (CMS)
» Read information on archive holdings
(mainly at Birmingham University Library)

Danish Evangelical Mission (DEM)
Renamed PROMISSIO – Danish Evangelical Mission 

Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission (FELM)
Until 1985 known as the Finnish Missionary Society

Finnish Lutheran Mission (FLM)
Finnish name: Kansanlähetys

Finnish Free Foreign Mission (FFFM) and
Scripture Publishers To Every Creature
(SPTEC; renamed Finnish Mission in Ethiopia)
Archive holdings at Fida International

German Hermannsburg Mission (GHM)
Official name: Evangelical-Lutheran Misson in Lower Saxony
» Write to archiv at elm minus mission dot net

Gospel Recordings (merged into Global Recordings Network)
Archives in Tucson, AZ (USA)

International Mission Photography Archive
» Search historical images from
Catholic and Protestant missionary collections

Lutheran Bible Translators
Headquarters in Concordia, MO (USA)

Norwegian Lutheran Mission (NLM)
Headquarters in Oslo

Norwegian Mission Society (NMS)
» Visit portal of mission archives at
VID Specialized University, Stavanger campus

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
» Search Pearl Digital Collections

SIM International
Archives in Charlotte, NC (USA)
» Write to international dot archives at sim dot org

St. Chrischona Pilgrim Mission
Discontinued; contact library of Theologisches Seminar St. Chrischona

Swedish Evangelical Mission (SEM)
» Read Swedish information on archive holdings
» Write to arkiv at efs dot nu

Swedish Mission Bibeltrogna Vänner (SMBV)
(renamed Evangelisk Luthersk Mission – Bibeltrogna Vänner 
[ELM – Bible Faithful Friends]).
» Check the catalog at (National Archives)
» Contact ELM headquarters

Swedish Philadelphia Church Mission and
Swedish Industrial Mission
Some material available at Jönköpings läns folkrörelsearkiv
» Write to info at jlfa dot se

Transworld Radio Africa
Broadcasting from South Africa;
programs in several Ethiopian languages

World Council of Churches
Head office in Geneva (Switzerland)
» Visit inventory of joint archives of Lutheran World Federation
(i.a., Radio Voice of the Gospel), World Council of Churches, etc.

For Questions about Traditional Music in Ethiopia

Society for Ethnomusicology
Introduces a wide range of resources related to ethnomusicology
» Visit website with an overview of archives (mainly in the US)

Centre de Recherche en Ethnomusicologie
(CREM – LESC UMR 7186 CNRS Université Paris Ouest)
Hosts a large sound archive with commercial and field recordings from c. 200 countries.
» Listen to audio recordings from Ethiopia

Loeb Music Library (at Harvard University)
» See collection of Ethiopian music by Prof Kay Kaufmann Shelemay
(includes recording collection of Radio Voice of the Gospel)

For further study

African Studies Library
A powerful search engine that helps you find literature and further information concerning Africa.

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