Maier, Württemberg Children’s Doctrine

Maier, Johannes (tr.). Die württembergische Kinderlehre und das Confirmations-Büchlein [The Württemberg Children’s Doctrine and the Confirmation Booklet]. Revised and edited by Ludwig Krapf. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1866.


This Amharic publication was used by the St. Chrischona Pilgrim Mission in Northern Ethiopia as well as the Swedish Evangelical Mission in Imkullu near Massawa.

  • Part 1, the Württemberg Children’s Doctrine, is a catechism by the Lutheran reformer of southwest Germany, Johannes Brenz (Wikipedia).
  • Part 2, the Confirmation Booklet, is a manual written by Jakob Heinrich Staudt (1808-84), the then Pastor of the Pietist congregation in Korntal near Stuttgart and former instructor at the Training Institution of St. Chrischona Pilgrim Mission in Switzerland.

Onesimos Nesib translated the first part of the book (i.e. the Catechism) into Afaan Oromo in the late 1890s.

Further reading

Quack, Jürgen. Berührungspunkte – Korntal und die Basler Mission. Reutlingen 2021. [View online (Tübingen University Library); esp. pp. 1-2, 15-17]

Scheffbuch, Rolf. Nicht aus eigener Kraft. Korntal: Ludwig-Hofacker-Vereinigung und Evangelische Brüdergemeinde Korntal, 2003. [On Staudt, see pp. 59 – 72].