(1) Published sources
Maier, Johannes (tr.). Die württembergische Kinderlehre und das Confirmations-Büchlein [The Württemberg Children’s Doctrine and the Confirmation Booklet]. Revised and edited by Ludwig Krapf. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1866. [View online]
—. Kurze Wörter-Sammlung in Englisch, Deutsch, Amharisch, Gallanisch, Guraguesch von Johannes Mayer, Missionar der Pilger Mission in Schoa [Short collection of words in English, German, Amharic, (Oromo) and Gurage by Johannes Mayer, missionary of the Pilgrim Mission in Shoa (and a Gurague translation of Matthew 2)], ed. Ludwig Krapf. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1878. [Google Books]
—. Short Stories for Young Abyssinians / ትንሽ ታሪኮች ለሐበሻ ልጆች, transl. by Johannes Mayer, ed. by Martin Flad. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1883. [View online]
(2) Personal diary
Diary of Johannes Mayer, written in Adwa, Ankobar, Entotto and Balli, April 1869 to October 1883 [in the possession of Makeda Ketcham, Paris (?)]
(3) Letters and other archival material
3.1 Staatsarchiv Basel-Stadt
Mayer, Johannes. “Magdala”, Dossier, 1859-84 [!]
(Ref. Code: PA 653a D. 3.8)
“Mayer und Bender”, 1861-1868
(Ref. Code: PA 653a D. 3.1), includes i.a.
- Mayer and Bender to Krapf, 1868.11.08
“Galla Mission”, 1872
(Ref. Code: PA 653a D. 1.8), includes i.a.
- Maier, Wora Illu 1872.10.25: Order of Amharic and Oromo Bible texts
3.2 Bible Society’s Library / BFBS Archive (Cambridge Univ. Library)
» For an overview of books with incoming editorial correspondence (1858-97), see Ref. Code GBR/0374/BFBS/BSA/E3/1/4
The BFBS Archives Index lists under “Mayer, Jacob” [!], missionary and colporteur:
- about 15 letters. These include:
– Maier and Bender to Krapf, 1868.12.29
[Zännäb and 2 men from Nonno transl. the NT into Oromo]
– Maier and Bender to Krapf, Adwa, 1869.05.03: suggest trial edition in Ethiosemitic script [BFBS/ Agents’ Book 119, p. 319]
– Maier to Krapf, Adwa, 1869.06.03
– Maier to Krapf, 1869.08.05: Zännäb assisted by 2 Oromo royal eunuchs and his friends, who love the Word of God, Gebre Mika’el and Waaree [BFBS/ AB 128, p. 351]
– Maier & Bender to Krapf, 1869.10.04
– Maier to Krapf, 1870.05.23
– Maier to Krapf, 1870.06.24 - Journal Bender & Maier, 1868.12.03-1870.12.31
(former Ref.: BFBS/AB 128) - Journal Maier, 1869.08.01-1869.12.31
(former Ref.: BFBS/AB 128)
3.3 Swedish Evangelical Mission Archives, Uppsala
Letters (manuscripts and/or published in Missions-Tidning):
- Mayer and Bender to “Brothers”, Adwa, 1870.05.14,
in Missions-Tidning, no. 9, 1870, p. 68. - Mayer to Englund, 1870.09.27
- Mayer to Lundahl, Warra Illuu, 1872.07.20
- Mayer to Lundahl and Mayer to Harnisch, Warra Illuu, 1872.10.04
- Mayer to Lundahl, Warra Illuu, 1872.10.05
- Mayer to Lundahl, Ankober, 1880.05.13,
in Missions-Tidning, no. 20, 15 October 1880, p. 157. - Mayer to Lundahl, Balli, 1884-04-23
(4) Additional articles in mission journals
Der Glaubensbote und Mitteilungen aus der Pilgermission
[available in the Library of Theologisches Seminar St. Chrischona]
- vol. 16, no. 6 (1893), p. 75-76: Obituary J. Mayer
(5) Secondary Literature
Arén, Gustav. Evangelical Pioneers in Ethiopia: Origins of the Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus. Stockholm: EFS förlaget; Addis Ababa: Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus, 1978. [See p. 14, 90, 92, 99, 145, 151-57, 161, 170-71, 247, 262, 272-74, 277, 447; view online]
Crummey, Donald. Land and Society in the Christian Kingdom of Ethiopia: from the Thirteenth to the Twentieth Century. Oxford: James Currey, 2000. [See p. 116-20 (216?)].
Gräber, Gerd. “Die befreiten Geiseln Kaiser Tewodros’ II. Aus dem Photoalbum der Royal Engineers 1867/68”, Aethiopica 2 (1999), 159-82. [Download article; view picture in Museum Ludwig]
Rappard, Carl Heinrich. Die Pilger-Mission zu St. Chrischona. 2nd ed. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1908. [See p. 123-27, 132-33, 266]
Smidt, Wolbert G. C. “Mayer, Johannes”, in Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, vol. 3, ed. S. Uhlig, p. 890-91. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2007.
» Report of the BFBS, excerpts (1865-96)
» Monthly Reporter of the BFBS, Maier and Bender’s Bible colportage (1869f)