Magarsaa Baqqalaa

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Life and Ministry

Magarsa Baqqalaa (aka Megersa Bekele) was born in _ _ _

He and his wife, gospel singer Raheel Taffarraa, are associated with

  • Biftu Bole EECMY congregation


(1) Bittaa sirrii bitta [Google: You buy the right purchase]. Cassette (?) recorded by _ _ _ in 2003 [1995 A.M.]

(2) Mirgi kan Waaqayyooti [The right belongs to God]. Cassette recorded by _ _ _ in 2005.

(3) Sinirraanfatuu garaan koo [G.: My heart will forget You]. Cassette recorded by Ebru Digital Studio (Biruk Feyissa) in 2007.

(4) _ _ _ [_ _ _]. CD recorded by _ _ _ in _ _ _

(special ed.) Gaachana koo Yesuus, qumbii koo bareedaa! [My shield, Jesus, my beautiful sword!]. CD (?) recorded by _ _ _ in _ _ _


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