Hagner, Olof

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Life and ministry

Olof (aka Olle) Hagner was born in 1895.

He got married to Greta Hagner, née Sjölin.

Olle Hagner served as a teacher and later as a pastor in

  • Awsa Konoma [aka Sossona, near Barentu] (1922-31)
  • Asmara (1933)
  • Adwa (1934-35)
  • Keren (1935-36)
  • Asmara (1938-46, 1948-50)
  • Keren (1953-57; 1959)
  • Aswa Konoma (1960)
  • Keren (1961)
  • Awsa Konoma (1962-70)

Rev Olle Hagner translated revised the Kunama hymnal published by Rev Andersson. Translating European hymns into Kunama is a challenge because Kunama is a tonal language.

Rev Hagner passed away in 1978.

Songs in hymn books

Kunama aurabu kolattama kida kitaba, 1952:

  • Rev Olle Hagner ed. the hymn book

Anana Kitaba [precise title?], 1961

  • Rev Olle Hagner revised the former edition (1952)


Rev Olle Hagner in the early 1930s
(adapted from a photograph at the SEM Archives)
Music orchestra in Asmara, lead by Rev Olle Hagner
(adapted from a photograph at the SEM Archives)

Further reading

1. Selected sources
1.1 Swedish

Hagner, Olle. “Till Galla eller dö“, in Bortom Bergen [Beyond the mountains], vol. 1, ed. F. Hylander, p. 75. Stockholm: EFS, 1953.

1.2 Kunama

Hagner, Olle (ed.) Kunama aurabu kolattama kida kitaba. Asmara: Swedish Evangelical Mission, 1952. [110 p.; available at Uppsala Univ.]

—. Kunama aurabu kolattama anana kitaba. Asmara: Evangelical Church of Eritrea, 1961. [233 hymns] [View online]

Kunama Aurabu Kolattama: Marko Evanyela. [Mark’s Gospel; tr. by Andersson, rev. by Olle S. Hagner, Daniel Luli and Abel Fagghi]. [Addis Ababa:] Bible Society of Ethiopia, 1970.

2. Literature

Lundström, Karl Johan, edited by Ezra Gebremedhin. Kenisha: The Roots and Development of The Evangelical Church of Eritrea (EC) 1866-1935. Trenton, NJ; etc.: The Red Sea Press, 2011. [see index, p. 509]

Nilsson, Marianne. Chapter 2 in forthcoming book on Ethiopian Gospel Music.