Barkii, Bibliography

(1) Krapf’s travel reports

Isenberg, Karl Wilhelm and Johann Ludwig Krapf. Journals of the Rev. Messrs. Isenberg and Krapf Detailing their Proceedings in the Kingdom of Shoa and Journeys in Other Parts of Abyssinia in the Years 1839, 1840, 1841, and 1842, with a Geographical Memoir by James McQueen. London: Trübner, 1843. [Reprint, London 1968, view Internet Archive.]

Krapf, Johann Ludwig. Reisen in Ostafrika, ausgeführt in den Jahren 1837–55 von J. L. Krapf, Phil. Dr., vormals Missionar in Abessinien und den Aequator-Gegenden. Zur Beförderung der Ostafrikanischen Erd- und Missionskunde. [Travels in East Africa, carried out in the years 1837–55, by J. L. Kraph, Ph.D., formerly a missionary in Abyssinia and the equatorial regions. To promote East African geography and mission studies]. 2 vols. Kornthal: self-published (vol. 1); Stuttgart: W. Stroh (commission), 1858. [Google Books]

  • This detailed book focusses on Krapf’s time Kenya and does not discuss Barkii and his contribution. On p. 69 Krapf mentions only that he had an Oromo youth from the tribe of Galaan as his servant and travel companion.

(2) Oromo language descriptions and Bible texts

Krapf, Johann Ludwig. An Imperfect Outline of the Elements of the Galla LanguagePreceded by a few remarks concerning the nation of the (Oromo), and an evangelical Mission among them, by the Rev. C. W. Isenberg. London: for the Church Missionary Society, 1840. [View online]

—. Vocabulary of the Galla Language, together with an English-Galla Vocabulary. Edited by C. W. Isenberg. London: for the Church Missionary Society, 1842. [based on the German – Oromo list submitted by Krapf in 1841; view online]

(3) Oromo Bible texts

Krapf, Johann Ludwig. Tentamen imbecillum translationis evangelii Johannis in linguam Gallarum. Auctore Revdo J. L. Krapf, missionario, auxiliante Berkio, viro ex stirpe Gallarum, quam Gelan vocant, oriundo. Inceptum in urbe Ankober, quae regni Shoanorum capitalis est. [John 1-5. Translation assistant: Barkii]. London: R. Watts, 1839. [View online]

—. Evangelium Matthaei, translatum in linguam Gallarum. Auctore Revdo. J. L. Krapf, missionario Ankobari, regni Shoanorum capitalis. [Matthew. Translation assistant: Barkii]. [London: R. Watts] 1841. [View online]

(4) Secondary Literature

Ledderhose, Karl Friedrich. Galla-Büchlein: Aus dem Leben der Galla-Negerin Pauline Johanne Fathme. Mit Einleitung vom Missionar Dr. Krapf über die Galla-Nation. Ein Ruf zur Mission unter den Galla. 2nd edition. Basel: Verlag von C. F. Spitteler, 1856. [View online]

  • Page 8 mentions an anonymous Oromo youth [= Barkii] from the Galaan group who served and accompanied Krapf in Shewa and surrounding. The author notes that Krapf translated “part of the New Testament” into Oromo.

Johann Ulrich Rickli

Horat, Karl. “Herzen gewinnen – auf die eine oder andere Art”, Chrischona Panorama 1/2017, p. 26-27. [View online]

  • On St Chrischona missionary Johann Ulrich Rickli (1837-1921), who distributed Krapf and Barkii’s Oromo translation of the Gospel of Matthew in Egypt.
  • For further details, read “História da Família Rickli no Brasil” online