Ruufoo, Bibliography

(1) Co-translations (with Krapf et al.)

The Gospel according to St. Luke, from the Greek translated into the [Oromo] language by Dr. L[udwig] Krapf, at Kornthal, near Stuttgart, Germany. With the Assistance of Debtera Saneb, a Native of Efat, and Roofo, a young [Oromo] of the Gooma tribe. St. Chrischona near Basle: Pilgrim-Mission-Press, 1870. [View online]

The Gospel according to St John, translated into the [Oromo] Language. St. Chrischona: [Mission-Press for the BFBS,] 1871. [View online]

The Acts of the Apostles / The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans / The 1st and 2nd Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians. St. Chrischona: Mission-Press [for the BFBS], 1874. [View online]

Novum Testamentum Domini Nostri et Salvatoris Jesu Christi in linguam Gallanorum vertit J. L. Krapf, Phil. Dr., Debtera Sanebo Habessino ex provincia Efate oriundo, et quatuor Gallanis (Scholan e stirpe Ada, Ware e stirpe Nonno, Dchagan e stirpe Leka, et Rufo e stirpe Guma) enixe auxiliantibus [New Testament of Jesus Christ in the language of the (Oromo) …] / The Gospel according to St. Matthew and Mark translated into the Galla language. St. Chrischona: Mission-Press [for the BFBS], 1875. [View online]

[Novum Testamentum Domini Nostri et Salvatoris Jesu Christi in linguam Gallanorum vertit J. L. Krapf, et al. / Galatians to Revelation. St. Chrischona: Mission-Press (for the BFBS), 1876]. [View online]

The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ translated into the [Oromo] Language by the Rev. Dr. Ludwig Krapf. St. Chrischona: Mission-Press (for the BFBS), 1876. [View online]

(2) Letters by Ruufoo

Ruufoo to Krapf, Jerusalem, end of 1869. This letter was attached to Krapf’s letter to Jaeger, 1870.01.05. [Staatsarchiv Kanton Basel-Stadt, Ref. Code: PA 653a B 7.3]

—, prob. January 1870. Letter from Jerusalem mentioned in Krapf’s letter to Jaeger, 1870.02.08.

Ruufoo [probably to Mission Inspector Rappard], Cairo 1870.10.13. [View online]

(3) Letters referring to Ruufoo

3.1 British and Foreign Bible Society Archive (at Cambridge Univ. Library)

Krapf to BFBS, 1863.08.17: Krapf intends to request his missionary friends to send him a qualified Oromo as translation assistant. On 21 Oct 1863, BFBS complied with Krapf’s financial request [BFBS Editorial Correspondence Book 3, p. 95]

Eipperle [?] to Krapf, Febr. or March 1866: Missionaries in Metemma informed Krapf that they had found a qualified Oromo on the slave market [BFBS Edit. Corresp. Book 4, p. 170]

Krapf to BFBS, 1866.08.30: Krapf had commenced translating the Bible with the assistance of his native Oromo [BFBS, Edit. Corr. Book 4, p. 2]

—, 1867.02.21: Translation of Four Gospels, Acts, Romans, Gen 1-25 completed [BFBS, Edit. Corr. Book 5, p. 55]

—, 1868.10.29: Great agreement between Zännäb’s and Ruufoo’s translation

—, [1870]: Ruufoo stayed altogether for about 1 year at Krapf’s home; had forgotten “a great deal of his mothertongue”; unable to stand the European climate, he moved to Jerusalem; Ruufoo wants to return home as a schoolmaster and preacher [BFBS Agents’ Book 128, p. 48]

3.2 Staatsarchiv des Kantons Basel-Stadt

Krapf to Jakob Ludwig Jaeger (Chrischona), 1866.12.29: On translation work and plans for Ruufoo’s future path (Maienbühl, etc.) [Ref. Code of this and all following letters to Jaeger: PA 653a B 7.3]

—, 1867.02.23: Krapf is now much more satisfied with Ruufoo.

—, 1867.03.20: Krapf reports Ruufoo’s departure.

—, 1867.04.25: Krapf proposes that Ruufoo be deployed in the print shop.

—, 1867.09.10: Krapf suggests sending Ruufoo to Weinheim; Krapf hopes that Aregawi will have a positive influence on Ruufoo’s personal development.

—, 1867.09.13: Revision of Genesis 1ff.

—, 1868.11.04: Krapf enquires about Ruufoo’s progress at Maienbühl.

—, 1868.12.09: Ruufoo wrote from Weinheim in November and asked for forgiveness for offending Krapf.

—, 1869.11.15: Ruufoo travelled to Jerusalem; Krapf proposes a school for Ethiopian evangelists there.

—, 1870.01.05: Krapf proposes Ruufoo for the (Swiss) Vaud Oromo Mission.

—, 1870.02.03: Krapf regrets that Ruufoo does not receive the necessary care in Jerusalem; a stay in Alexandria might be preferable.

—, 1870.02.08: Krapf worries that the Catholics could pull the neglected Ruufoo over to their side

—, 1870.02.17: Krapf mentions the letter he wrote to Ruufoo recently

—, 1870.04.05: Krapf sent the final Oromoversion of the Gospel of Luke to the print shop so Flad could take the Gospels to Ethiopia in September.

(4) Other archival material

4.1 Staatsarchiv Kanton Basel-Stadt

“Zeugnis für den noch ungetauften Chrischona-Aspiranten Rufo, den ehemaligen Galla-Sklaven, aus Kornthal” (Reference for Ruufoo) [View online]

“Verzeichniß für Verköstigung u Logis […] Missionsfest 1867” (Catering and accomodation, mission festival 1867). Ref. Code: PA 653a B 2.19

? “Lehrlinge für Buchdruckerei- und Binderei”. Ref. Code: PA 653a B. 13.1.

4.2 Other archives, e.g. in Weinheim and Korntal-Münchingen


(5) Journals

Rundschreiben / Jahresbericht der Pilger-Mission auf St. Chrischona bei Basel
  • vol. 19 (1867), p. 3, 15
  • vol. 20 (for the year 1868; printed in 1869)
  • vol. 21 (for the year 1869; printed in 1870), p. 9-10. [View online?]
  • vol. 22 (for the year 1870; printed in 1871), p. 22-23
    [= Ruufoo’s letter written in Oct. 1870]
  • vol. 23 (for the year 1871; printed in 1872)
Mittheilungen aus der Korrespondenz der Pilgermission
  • June 1869, p. 6-9.
  • Dec. 1870
Report of the British and Foreign Bible Society
  • no. 67 (1871)

(6) Publications by Ruufoo’s contemporaries

[Eipperle, Johann ?]. “Der Sklavenhandel in Galabat an der nordwestlichen Gränze von Abessinien und am weißen Fluß” Das Ausland (Überschau der neusten Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Natur-, Erd- und Völkerkunde) 39 (1866), 215-16. [View online]

Krapf, Johann Ludwig, and Karl Friedrich Ledderhose. “Ein Ruf zur Mission unter die Galla”, in Galla-Büchlein. Aus dem Leben der Galla-Negerin Pauline Johanne Fathme by K. F. Ledderhose (with introduction by J. L. Krapf). 3rd, expanded edition, p. 53-56. Basel: C. F. Spittler, 1867. [On Ruufo, see p. 55-56; view online]

Kober, Johannes. Anjama. Basel: C. F. Spittler, 1884. [See p. 77-78]

—. Christian Friedrich Spittlers Leben. Basel: C. F. Spittler, 1887. [See p. 324; view at Digitale-Sammlungen]

Rappard, Carl Heinrich. Die Pilger-Mission zu St. Chrischona. 2nd ed. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1908.

(7) Secondary literature from recent times

Bastian, Jean-Pierre. La fracture religieuse vaudoise, 1847-1966: L’Eglise libre, “la Môme et le canton de Vaud. Geneva: Labor et Fides, 2016.

Baumann, Andreas. Die Apostelstraße: Eine außergewöhnliche Vision und ihre Verwirklichung. Gießen: Brunnen, 1999. [For the mission station St Paul in Metemma, see p. 63-67]

Pankhurst, Richard. “The Beginnings of Oromo Studies in Europe”, Africa [Rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione dell’Istituto italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente] 31, no. 2 (1976), 171-206. [For Ruufoo, see p. 199‒201; JSTOR (subscription barrier)]

Smidt, Wolbert G. C. “Quellenübersicht zur Biographie des ehemaligen Sklaven und ersten Oromo-Bibelübersetzers Christian Rufo”, Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere 67 (2001), 181-98.

—. “The Unknown first Oromo Bible Translator Christian Rufo: Some Insights from Private Missionary Archives”, in Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa, 6‒11 November 2000, vol. 1, ed. Baye Yimam, pp. 634–50. Addis Ababa: Institute of Ethiopian Studies (Addis Ababa University), 2002.

—. ” ‘Schwarze Missionare’ in Äthiopien im Dienst der Errichtung einer Welt-Christokratie”, in Mission und Macht im Wandel politischer Orientierungen: Europäische Missionsgesellschaften in politischen Spannungsfeldern in Afrika und Asien zwischen 1800 und 1945, ed. U. van der Heyden and H. Stoecker, p. 485‒505. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2005.

—. “Ruufoo”, in Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, vol. 4, ed. S. Uhlig in cooperation with A. Bausi, p. 422‒23. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2010.

—. “A Remarkable Chapter of German Research History: The Protestant Mission and the Oromo in the Nineteenth Century,” ITYOP̣IS, Extra Issue 1 (2015), 60–77. [View online]