Krapf, Published sources

The published sources written, edited, translated or supplemented by Krapf are arranged according to the main language in which they were written.

For articles by Krapf or quoting Krapf’s journals and letters (often published by mission organisations or geographical societies during his stays in Africa), see
Krapf, Pieces in periodicals.


1. German

1.1 Monographs

Krapf, Johann Ludwig. Afrika von Süd nach West und von West nach Ost endlich einmal durchkreuzt: oder Kurze Übersicht der Missionsreisen und Entdeckungen des Dr. Livingstone durch Süd-Afrika von der West-Küst nach der Ost-Küste. Ludwigsburg: Riehm, 1857. [Google Books]

—. Reisen in Ostafrika, ausgeführt in den Jahren 1837–55 von J. L. Krapf, Phil. Dr., vormals Missionar in Abessinien und den Aequator-Gegenden. Zur Beförderung der Ostafrikanischen Erd- und Missionskunde. [Travels in East Africa, carried out in the years 1837–55, by J. L. Kraph, Ph.D., formerly a missionary in Abyssinia and the equatorial regions. To promote East African geography and mission studies]. 2 vols. Kornthal: self-published (vol. 1); Stuttgart: W. Stroh (commission), 1858. [Google Books]

  • 2nd ed. by H. Beck. Stuttgart: Brockhaus Antiquarium, 1964;
    3rd ed. by W. Raupp. Münster: Lit, 1994.
  • View abridged English version online (published in 1860)
  • For a summary and review from an academic geographer’s view, see Karl Eduard Meinicke, “Krapf’s und Rebmann’s Reisen im östlichen Südafrika. Von Herrn Director Meinicke. Mit 2 Karten”, Zeitschrift für allgemeine Erdkunde, N.F. 9 (1860): 22-57. [Google Books]
1.2 Preface / Epilogue / Translations [in chronolological order]

Ledderhose, Karl Friedrich. Galla-Büchlein. Aus dem Leben der Galla-Negerin Pauline Johanne Fathme. Mit Einleitung von Missionar Dr. Krapf über die Galla-Nation. Ein Ruf zur Mission unter den Galla [(Oromo) Booklet. From the life of the (Oromo) Pauline Johanne Fathme (i.e., Fatima). With an introduction by missionary Dr. Krapf on the (Oromo) nation. A call to mission among the (Oromo)]. 2nd, expanded edition. Basle (Switzerland): C. F. Spittler, 1856. [View online (Swiss National Library)]

  • Several other editions in German, English (s. below 2.2), French and Dutch.

Spurgeon, Charles H. [1834–92]. Das Verlangen der Seele in geistlicher Dunkelheit: Eine Rede über Jes. 26, 9; gehalten am 24. Juni 1855. Transl. from English into German by J. L. Krapf. 2nd edition. Ludwigsburg: Riehm, 1856.

  • 4th ed. Ludwigsburg: Riehm, 1860 (commission);
    5th ed. Basle and Ludwigsburg: Riehm, 1867.

—. Zwölf Reden über biblische Texte oder zwölf unvergängliche Gold- und Perlenstücke. Transl. into German by J. L. Krapf. Ludwigsburg: Riehm, 1857. [Google Books]

  • 2nd edition. Ludwigsburg: Riehm, 1860.

Krapf, Johann Ludwig (ed.). Bericht der Apostelstraßen-Station St. Paulus in Matammah, an der Grenze des nordwestlichen Abessiniens. Erstattet von den Pilger-Missionaren [C. F.] Haußmann und Eipperle, nebst einem Schlusswort von Dr. Krapf (Bericht über die Apostelstraßen-Mission, 1). St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1863. [24p]

Flad, Johann Martin. Kurze Schilderung der bisher fast unbekannten abessinischen Juden (Falasha). Ihr Ursprung, Wohnort, Körperbau, Priester, Propheten, Schwarzkünstler, Feste, Reinigungsgesetze, Bäder, Verlobung, Hochzeit, Ehe, Tod und Begräbnis etc. Nebst einem Anhang über die heidnischen Kamanten in Abessinien. Preface by L. Krapf. Korntal: self-published / Basel: C.F. Spittler; Stuttgart: Ev. Bücherstiftung (commission), 1869. [Google Books]

  • For the Engl. version, see below 2.2

Waldmeier, Theophil. Erlebnisse in Abessinien in den Jahren 1858 – 1868. Bevorwortet von Dr. L. Krapf. Basel: Spittler, 1869. [View online]

  • There is no English version. However, Waldmeier published his English autobiography five years after Krapf’s death: The Autobiography of Theophilus Waldmeier, Missionary: Being an Account of Ten Years’ Life in Abyssinia; and Sixteen Years in Syria. London: Partridge; Leominster: Orphans’ Printing Pr., 1886. [Internet Archive]

2. English

2.1 Monographs

Isenberg, Karl Wilhelm and Johann Ludwig Krapf. Journals of the Rev. Messrs. Isenberg and Krapf Detailing their Proceedings in the Kingdom of Shoa and Journeys in Other Parts of Abyssinia in the Years 1839, 1840, 1841, and 1842, with a Geographical Memoir by James McQueen. London: Trübner, 1843.

  • Reprint: Journals of C. W. Isenberg and J. L. Krapf. London: Frank Cass, 1968. [Internet Archive]

Krapf, Johann Ludwig. Travels, Researches, and Missionary Labours during an Eighteen Years’ Residence in Eastern Africa […; abridged version of Krapf (1858), Reisen]. London: Trübner, 1860. [View online]

  • Reprints: London: Cass, 1968 [with preface]; New York: Johnson Reprint, 1968.

Krapf, Johann Ludwig. Memoir on the East African Slave Trade: Ein unveröffentlichtes Dokument aus dem Jahr 1853. Introduced and edited by Clemens Gütl. Vienna: Afro-Pub., 2002.

2.2 Translation / Edition / Preface

Ledderhose, Carl Friedrich. Pauline Fatme: First Fruits of the Gallas to Christ Jesus. Translated into English by J. L. Krapf; rev. edition by J. E. Dalton. London: W. H. Dalton, 1857. [View online]

Flad, Martin. A Short Description of the Falasha and Kamants in Abyssinia together with an Outline of the Elements and a Vocabulary of the Falasha-Language, composed by Martin Flad, Missionary of the Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews, ed. by J. L. Krapf. St. Chrischona (Switzerland): Mission Press, 1866. [Google Books]


3. Oromo

Krapf, Johann Ludwig et al. (tr.). Tentamen imbecillum translationis evangelii Johannis in linguam Gallarum. Auctore Revdo J.L. Krapf, missionario, auxiliante Berkio, viro ex stirpe Gallarum, quam Gelan vocant, oriundo. Inceptum in urbe Ankober, quae regni Shoanorum capitalis est. [Imperfect attempt to translate the Gospel of John (chapt. 1-5) into the language of the (Oromo) …]. London: R. Watts, 1839. [Assisted by Barkii; view online]

Krapf, Johann Ludwig. An Imperfect Outline of the Elements of the Galla Language. Preceded by a few remarks concerning the nation of the (Oromo), and an evangelical Mission among them, by the Rev. C. W. Isenberg. London: for the Church Missionary Society, 1840. [View online]

—. Evangelium Matthaei, translatum in linguam Gallarum. Auctore J. L. Krapf, missionario Ankobari, regni Shoanorum capitalis. [The Gospel according to Matthew, translated into the language of the (Oromo)]. [London: R. Watts] 1841. [Probably assisted by Barkii; view online]

—. Vocabulary of the Galla Language, together with an English-Galla Vocabulary. Edited by C. W. Isenberg. London: for the Church Missionary Society, 1842. [based on the German – Oromo list submitted by Krapf in 1841; view online]

Krapf, Johann Ludwig. Vocabulary of Six East African Languages (Kisuáheli, Kiníka, Kikámba, Kipokómo, Kihiáu, Kigálla [i.e., ]) composed by the Revd. Dr. J. L. Krapf. Tübingen: Fues, 1850. [Google Books]

  • Kigálla refers to Orma Oromo. Cf. Stroomer, Harry J. A Concise Vocabulary of Orma Oromo (Kenya). Cologne: R. Köppe, 2001. Krapf used the same word list to elicit the Oromo vocabulary used at the Tana River as he did in Ankober (Cf. his 1842 Vocabulary of the Galla language).

—. The Gospel according to St. Luke, from the Greek translated into the Galla language by Dr. L. Krapf, at Kornthal, near Stuttgart, Germany, with the Assistance of Debtera Saneb, a Native of Efat, and Roofo, a young Galla of the Gooma tribe. St. Chrischona near Basle (Switzerland): Pilgrim-Mission-Press, 1870. [View online]

—. The Gospel according to St John, translated into the Galla Language. Translated by J. L. Krapf [assisted by Debtera Saneb and Roofo]. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1871. [View online]

—. The Book of Psalms, translated into the Galla Language. Printed at the expense of the British and Foreign Bible-Society. St. Chrischona (Switzerland): Mission Press, 1872. [View online]

—. The First Book of Moses called Genesis, translated into the Galla Language. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1872. [View online]

—. The Acts of the Apostles / The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans / The 1st and 2nd Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians. Translated by the Rev. Dr. L. Krapf. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1874. [View online]

—. Novum Testamentum Domini Nostri et Salvatoris Jesu Christi in linguam Gallanorum vertit J. L. Krapf, Phil. Dr., Debtera Sanebo Habessino ex provincia Efate oriundo, et quatuor Gallanis (Scholan e stirpe Ada, Ware e stirpe Nonno, Dchagan e stirpe Leka, et Rufo e stirpe Guma) enixe auxiliantibus [New Testament of Jesus Christ in the language of the (Oromo), translated by L. Krapf, PhD, debtera Zännäb the Abyssinian from the Efat area and four Oromos (Sholan from the Ada group, Waaree from the Nonno group, Jaagan from the Leka group, and Ruufoo from the Guma group)] / The Gospel according to St. Matthew and Mark translated into the Galla language. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1875. [View online]

—. [Novum Testamentum Domini Nostri et Salvatoris Jesu Christi in linguam Gallanorum vertit J. L. Krapf et al.]. Galatians to Revelation. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1876. [View online]

—. The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Translated into the Galla Language. Printed at the expense of the British and Foreign Bible Society. St. Chrischona (Switzerland): Mission Press, 1876. (Cotranslators: Ruufoo, aläqa Zenneb, et al.) [View online]

—. The Second Book of Moses translated into the Galla Language. St. Chrischona, 1877. [View online]

4. Amharic

Abu Rumi [i.e. Abba Abraham] (tr.). Psalterium Davidis Amharice, revised by John Ludwig Krapf, C.M.S. Missionary in Abyssinia and Elsewhere. London: The British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS), 1860.

Krapf, Johann Ludwig (tr.). Select Passages from the Bible: For the Use of Abessinian School-children, translated into Amharic by Krapf. St. Chrischona: Mission-Press, 1864. [Printed at the request of the German and Foreign School-Book-Society, Calw; view online]

  • 2nd edition. St. Chrischona: Mission-Press, 1876. [Available in St. Chrischona (PM075364; PM075371)].

Abu Rumi (tr.). St. Luke’s Gospel in Amharic, revised by J. L. Krapf. St. Chrischona, Mission Press, 1864. [At the request and expense of the BFBS]

—. The Gospel according to St. John, in the Amharic Language, revised by J. L. Krapf. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1864. [At the request and expense of the BFBS]

—. The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans, in the Amharic Language, revised by J. L. Krapf. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1864. [At the request and expense of the BFBS]

—. The Epistles to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians, in the Amharic Language, revised by J. L. Krapf. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1864. [At the request and expense of the BFBS]

—. The Epistle to the Hebrews, in the Amharic Language, revised by J. L. Krapf. St. Chrischona: Misson Press, 1864. [At the request and expense of the BFBS]

—. The Gospel according to St. Matthew, in the Amharic Language, revised by J. L. Krapf. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1865. [At the request and expense of the BFBS]

—. The Gospel according to St. Mark, in the Amharic Language. revised by J. L. Krapf. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1865. [At the request and expense of the BFBS]

—. The Acts of the Apostles, in the Amharic Language, revised by J. L. Krapf. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1865. [At the request and expense of the BFBS]

—. The Epistle to the Corinthians, in the Amharic Language, revised by J. L. Krapf. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1865. [At the request and expense of the BFBS]

—. The Epistles to the Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, in the Amharic Language, revised by J. L. Krapf. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1865. [At the request and expense of the BFBS]

—. The Epistles General of James, Peter, John, and Jude, in the Amharic Language, revised by J. L. Krapf. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1865. [At the request and expense of the BFBS]

—. The Revelation of St. John the Divine, in the Amharic Language, revised by J. L. Krapf. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1865. [At the request and expense of the BFBS]

—. Novum Testamentum in linguam Amharicam vertit Abu-Rumi Habessinus [New Testament translated into Amharic by Abu-Rumi, the Abyssinian]. Revised by Johann Ludwig Krapf. Basle (Switzerland): F. Spittler, 1866. [View online]

  • 2nd edition. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1870. [Google Books]

—. Scripture references designed for the use of parents, Sabbath-School teachers and private-Christians by Thomas Chalmers […]. Translated into the Amharic language. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1866. [View online

Maier, Johannes (tr.). Die württembergische Kinderlehre und das Confirmations-Büchlein [The Württemberg Children’s Doctrine and the Confirmation Booklet]. Revised and edited by Ludwig Krapf. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1866. [View online]

Krapf, Johann Ludwig & Mika’el Arägawi (tr.). Man’s Heart either God’s Temple or Satan’s Abode: Represented in 10 Figures; For Awaking and Promoting Christian Faith and Life. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1870. [View online (forthcoming)]

  • 2nd edition. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1873. [Available in St. Chrischona (PM075404)]
  • 3rd edition by Johann Martin Flad. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1889.

—. The Books of the Old Testament, translated into the Amharic language by Abba Rukh, an Abyssinian Learned. For the first Time corrected and edited in England by the Rev. Thomas Platt, M.A. Now improved after the Hebrew Original by the Rev. Dr. Krapf in Germany. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1871-73. [Printed by the expense and by the request of the BFBS]

  • First part containing the five books of Moses; the book of Joshua; the book of Judges; the book of Ruth. St. Chrischona 1871. [View online]
  • From the First Book of Samuel to the Song of Solomon in Amharic (The second part of the Old Testament). St. Chrischona 1873. [View online]
  • The Books of the Prophets in Amharic (The third part of the Old Testament). St. Chrischona 1873. [View online]

5. Amharic and Ge’ez (alias Ethiopic)

Krapf, Johann Ludwig (ed.). Evangelia sacra Domini nostri et Salvatoris Jesu Christi: Aethiopice et Amharice. Basle: C.F. Spittler, 1874. [Printed by the expense and by the request of the BFBS (and at the special request of the Emperor of Abyssinia) at the Mission Press in St. Chrischona]. [View at Austrian National Library; Google Books]

—. Epistolae Apostolorum Domini nostri et salvatoris Jesu Christi: Aethiopice et amharice [Epistles of the Apostles of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in Ge’ez and Amharic]. Basle: C.F. Spittler, 1878. [Printed at the request and by the expense of the BFBS at the Mission Press in St. Chrischona]. [Bonn University]

6. Tigrinya

Krapf, Johann Ludwig, Karl Wilhelm Isenberg, and debtera Matteos. Evangelia Sacra Jesu Christi sub auspiciis Caroli Guilielmi Isenberg ecclesiae anglicanae Presbyteri, apud Habessinos quondam per sexennium degentis et anno 1864 vita defuncti, in linguam Tigricam vertit Debterea Matheos Habessinus Adoae, Tigriae oppido, natus, nunc primim in lucem edita per Johannem Ludovicum Krapf […]. [Holy Gospels of Jesus Christ, translated into the Tigre (correct: Tigrinya) Language by the Abyssinian Debtera Matteos, and revised by the deceased Rev. Mr. Isenberg …]. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1866. (Printed at the expense of the British and Foreign Bible Society) [Google Books]

7. Kafa

Short word list, in “Herr C. Ritter las: Bericht von dem Fluße Goschop und den Ländern Enarea, Kafa und Doko, durch einen Eingeborenen aus Enarea […]”, Monatsberichte über die Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin 4 (1842-43): 172-88.

  • A paper Krapf submitted to the Egyptian Society in Cairo; translated from English into German by Prof. K. R. Lepsius; read at the Berlin Geographical Society by Prof. C. Ritter. The word list is found on pp. 187-88. [DigiZeitschriften]

8. Qimant [alias Kemant or ‘Falasha’]

Flad, Martin. A Short Description of the Falasha and Kamants in Abyssinia together with an Outline of the Elements and a Vocabulary of the Falasha-Language, composed by Martin Flad, Missionary of the Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews, ed. by J. L. Krapf. St. Chrischona (Switzerland): Mission Press, 1866. [Google Books]

9. Multilingual (Amharic, Oromo, Gurage, English, German)

Mayer, Johannes (tr.). Kurze Wörter-Sammlung in Englisch, Deutsch, Amharisch, Gallanisch, Guraguesch von Johannes Mayer, Missionar der Pilger Mission in Schoa [Short collection of words in English, German, Amharic, (Oromo) and Gurage by Johannes Mayer, missionary of the Pilgrim Mission in Shoa]. Edited by Dr. L. Krapf. Basel: Mission Press St. Chrischona, 1878. [Google Books]


Note: In Bantu languages, the term for languages is usually formed with the ki- noun class. The same language is often referred to in Indo-European descriptions without the prefix, i.e. Swahili instead of Kiswahili, etc.

10. Kiswahili cluster

Krapf, Johann Ludwig. “Three Chapters of Genesis translated into the Sooahelee Language, with Introduction by W. W. Greenough”, Journal of the American Oriental Society 1 (1843-49), 261-74.

Krapf, Johann Ludwig (tr.). Salla sa subic̣i na jioni sasalliwaso Katika Kiriaki ja Kienglese siku sothe sa muaka. i. e.: Morning and evening prayers said in the English Church daily throughout the years; Translated into Kisuahili by the Revd. Dr. L. Krapf. Tübingen: Fues, 1854. [Google Books]

Krapf, Johann Ludwig. A Dictionary of the Suaheli-Language, compiled by the Rev. Dr. L. Krapf. With Introduction Containing an Outline of the Suaheli Grammar. London: Trübner, 1882. [Google Books]

  • Reprints [Farnborough, UK]: Gregg Press, 1964; New York: Negro Univ. Pr., 1969.
  • It appears that Johannes Rebmann, who returned to Germany only in September 1875 and passed away the following year, did not receive enough credit for his contribution to this dictionary.

Büttner, Carl Gotthilf (ed.). “Chuo cha utenzi. Gedichte im alten Swahili: Aus den Papieren des † Dr. L. Krapf”, Zeitschrift für afrikanische Sprachen 1 (1887/88), pp. 1–42, 124–37; 2 (1888/89), pp. 241–64. [Google Books]

11. Mijikenda cluster

Krapf, Johann Ludwig, and Johannes Rebmann. The Beginning of a Spelling Book of the Kinika Language, Accompanied by a Translation of the Heidelberg Catechism. Bombay (India): American Mission Press, 1848. [Google Books]

  • The term “Kinika” is now considered offensive.

Krapf, Johann Ludwig (tr.). Evangelio za avioandika Lukas / The Gospel according to Luke, translated into Kinika by the Rev. John Lewis Krapf, Phil. Dr. Bombay: American Mission Press, 1848.

—. Outline of the Elements of the Kisuahéli Language, with special reference to the Kinika dialect by the Revd. Dr. J. L. Krapf. Tübingen: Fues, 1850. [Google Books]

  • The use of the term Kisuahéli in the title is not entirely clear to this writer, as Mijikenda is not a dialect of Kiswahili. Did Krapf use the term Kisuahéli also as a synonym for “East Bantu languagues”?

—. Dr. Barth’s Bible-Stories in Kinika / Hadzidzi za biblio, tza kamba, habari zirizo [zazo] lafioa mua chuo cha mulungi, ki-ihoacho biblo, ku fúnshia a hoho a anika. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1878. [Printed at the expense of the Religious Tract Society, London] [Available in St. Chrischona, Strasbourg, Frankfurt, Berlin]

Krapf, [Johann] Ludwig, and Johannes Rebmann. A Nika-English Dictionary, compiled by the late Rev. Dr. L. Krapf and the late Rev. J. Rebmann. Edited by the Rev. T. H. Sparshott. London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1887. [Google Books]

12. Kikamba

Krapf, Johann Ludwig (tr.). Evangelio ta yunaolete Malkosi / The Gospel according to St. Mark, translated into the Kikamba language by the Rev. Dr. J. L. Krapf. Tübingen: Fues, 1850. [DFG Viewer (copy for Basel Mission Library, signed by Krapf)]

Büttner, Karl Gotthilf. “Deutsch-Kikamba Wörterbuch: Nach den Vorarbeiten von Dr. L. Krapf”, Zeitschrift für afrikanische Sprachen 2 (1888): 81–123.

13. Samburu

Krapf, Johann Ludwig. Vocabulary of the Engútuk Eloikób or of the Language of the Wakuafi-Nation in the Interior of Equatorial Africa composed by the Revd. Dr. J. L. Krapf. Tübingen: Fues, 1854. [Google Books]

Jakob, Erhardt. Vocabulary of the Enguduk Iloigob, as spoken by the Masai-tribes in East Africa compiled by Erhardt Jakob. Edited by L. Krapf. Ludwigsburg: Riehm (commission), 1857. [Google Books]

14. Chichewa [alias Chinyanja]

Rebman, John [and Salimini]. Dictionary of the Kiniassa-Language. Edited by his colleague, the Rev. Dr. L. Krapf. St. Chrischona: Mission Press, 1877. [At the request and expense of the Church Missionary Society; Google Books]

  • Rebmann’s resource person was Salimini, a freed slave originally from the Lilongwe area (Malawi). The term “Kiniassa” is now considered offensive.

15. Multilingual (Kiswahili, Mijikenda, Kikamba, Kipokomo, Chiyao, South Oromo)

Krapf, Johann Ludwig. Vocabulary of Six East African Languages (Kisuáheli, Kiníka, Kikámba, Kipokómo, Kihiáu, Kigálla) composed by the Revd. Dr. J. L. Krapf. Tübingen: Fues, 1850. [Google Books]

  • Kihiáu refers to the language Chiyao (speakers mainly in Tanzania and Malawi)
  • Kigálla refers to Orma (Southern Oromo used at the Tana river)


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